Information gathering authorities
On this page:
Note: Before accessing private land, you must provide the landholder or occupiers with a notice of entry to carry out activities approved under your authority.
Data acquisition authority
A data acquisition authority (DAA) authorises you to conduct limited geophysical survey activities and collect data outside the area of your authority to prospect (ATP) or petroleum lease (PL). A DAA is only granted on land that is contiguous to the granted ATP or PL and for activities that are directly relevant to authorised activities of your ATP or PL.
A DAA can be granted for a maximum term of 2 years and ends if the ATP or PL with which it is associated ends.
How to apply
Complete an application form and lodge it through MyMinesOnline or a mines lodgement office.
- Application fee: {{ pass_35470 }}.
- Annual rent: {{ pass_35451 }} per sub-block.
Water monitoring authority
As the holder of an ATP or PL, you have an obligation to make good any damage you cause to surrounding water bores. You can apply for a water monitoring authority (WMA) over land outside the area of your ATP or PL to comply with your obligations. The WMA ends if the ATP or PL with which it is associated ends.
How to apply
Complete an application form and lodge it through MyMinesOnline or a mines lodgement office.
- Application fee: {{ pass_35471 }}.
- Annual rent: {{ pass_35452 }} per sub-block.
Survey licence
A survey licence gives you the right to enter land to survey the proposed route of a pipeline or the suitability of land for a petroleum facility licence.
The survey licence:
- can be granted for up to 2 years
- only allows you to conduct activities that have minimal impact on the land.
About fuel gas
A fuel gas, under the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act) and Petroleum and Gas (General Provisions) Regulation 2017 includes:
- processed natural gas
- hydrogen, or a hydrogen gas blend, used or intended to be used as fuel to produce heat, light or power
- biogas
- biomethane
- synthetic methane
- a substance that is a mixture of LPG and air, known as 'synthetic natural gas'.
What isn't fuel gas
Regulated hydrogen substances carriers such as ammonia or methylcyclohexane are not considered fuel gas under the P&G Act.
How to apply
Complete an application form and lodge it through MyMinesOnline or a mines lodgement office.
Make sure you include details of the:
- type of pipeline or petroleum facility you’re proposing to construct
- proposed use of the pipeline or facility
- terminal points of the pipeline
- time period you want the licence for
- extent and nature of the activities you're planning to carry out under the licence.
You'll also need to outline your:
- financial and technical resources
- ability to manage the survey you're planning to carry out.
- Application fee: {{ pass_35476 }}.
Get advice
If you need support with your application or want to clarify the operation of the P&G Act, you can arrange a pre-lodgement meeting to discuss your issues. Contact the Petroleum Assessment Hub by:
- email at
- phone on (07) 3199 8118.
Also consider...
- Read our guide to the application process for resource authorities for general information about lodging an application.
- Find out how to comply with your resource authority and the land access code.
- Last reviewed: 2 Aug 2023
- Last updated: 8 Apr 2024