Authorities and permits for petroleum and energy resources

Find out how to apply for and comply with a Queensland resource authority for petroleum and energy resources.


Applying for a new authority

Application process for petroleum and energy resource authorities in Queensland.

Renewing your resource authority

Find out how to renew your Queensland resource authority.

Complying with your resource authority

Find out how to comply with Queensland resource, environmental and land access regulations.

Forms for mining and resources

Find forms for lodging resource authority applications and dealings in Queensland.

Payments for resource authorities

Learn about resource authority rents, royalties and duties and how to pay them.

Overlapping tenures for coal and coal seam gas

Find out about mandatory and other arrangements when coal tenures overlap with coal seam gas tenures.

Water authorisations

Read about the current water authorisation requirements for resource authorities, as well as transitional provisions when legislation was amended in 2016.