Check a security clearance status
To check the status of a security clearance issued under the Explosives Act 1999, use the Queensland Explosives Security Clearance Status (QESC) portal.
Enter details into the QESC portal exactly as they appear on the individual's security clearance:
- first name
- last name
- the QESC card number—include all preceding zeros, for example, 0000XXXXX-01.
For individuals who have a single name only, email the Explosives Inspectorate at to confirm the status of their security clearance.
The About section of the QESC portal has information to help you interpret the results of your search.
Transitional security clearance
The QESC portal will not provide the status of transitional security clearance arrangements that may apply to an explosives authority.
For enquiries relating to transitional security clearances, email the Explosives Inspectorate at
- Last reviewed: 31 Jan 2022
- Last updated: 31 Jan 2022