How to start a liquor accord
Join a liquor accord
Help minimise alcohol and gambling-related harm, receive updates, discuss important issues, and connect with other licensees and government agencies.
Use the interactive map to find information about liquor accords near you.
The motivation to form a liquor accord should start locally within the liquor industry, with relevant stakeholder agencies such as the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) offering advice and assistance.
Step 1: Define your accord area
Accord areas are often defined by geographical boundaries, such as local government areas, police divisions or district boundaries, or a unique entertainment or community precinct.
Consideration should be given to the location and proximity of other accords. Licensees in nearby areas without accords may benefit from attending your meetings in person or remotely.
For city-based accords, consider listing the postcodes or suburbs included in your liquor accord's area.
View an interactive map of liquor accords for help defining your area, or contact your local OLGR office.
Step 2: Involve the right people
Enlisting the right people and maintaining their support is vital to the success of your liquor accord. Membership of most accords is made up of liquor licensees, with government stakeholders playing a supporting role. However, some accords may include representatives from community and welfare groups, local and state government, or other businesses affected by issues in your local area.
Examples include:
- liquor and gaming licensees
- hotels
- community clubs
- bars
- restaurants
- nightclubs
- brewers
- other licensed premises
- community and welfare groups
- gambling help services
- support service providers (e.g. rest and recovery services for intoxicated patrons)
- state and local government
- Queensland Health
- Queensland Fire Department
- Queensland Ambulance Service
- Department of Transport and Main Roads
- local councils
- other businesses (e.g. local security companies, transport providers).
If you need help identifying licensees in your area, contact your local OLGR office.
Step 3: Fund your liquor accord
Liquor accords are inexpensive to manage and maintain. Small membership fees may help cover the cost of initiatives, promotional materials or meetings.
Local councils and government agencies may provide support through special grants. You could also approach your members' suppliers and service providers for sponsorship.
Step 4: Establish a working party
Set up a working party to drive the accord from the idea stage through to its formalisation. Your working party should be made up of local licensees, with support from representatives of community and welfare groups, local and state government or other local businesses (see Step 2).
The working party is responsible for:
- nominating the initial accord coordinator (Step 5) and composition of the accord's first committee (e.g. president, treasurer, secretary), if you decide to have a committee
- defining the accord area
- identifying local issues and gathering useful data from QPS and OLGR, for example, the main types of offences committed, or problem areas in and around licensed premises within the accord locality
- coordinating meetings, inviting participants and ensuring inclusive communication
- coordinating promotion of the liquor accord
- identifying strategy options and coordinating their implementation
- preparing a draft document that formalises the accord's objectives, for example, a liquor accord agreement for endorsement by participants
- developing an evaluation plan.
Use this liquor accord agreement template as a starting point for developing your accord's objectives.
Step 5: Nominate an accord coordinator
The working party can nominate an accord coordinator. The coordinator should be the central point of contact for the ongoing management of the liquor accord.
The coordinator should:
- ensure regular communication between members, stakeholders and other participants through meetings, emails or social media
- monitor strategies in consultation with the accord's working party and members
- ensure the continuity and relevance of the liquor accord.
Step 6: Develop local strategies
Liquor accords develop local solutions for local issues. Review existing strategies that may help target issues in your area. Your liquor accord may need to seek legal advice on the implications of adopting certain strategies.
Read more about strategies for liquor accords.
Step 7: Formalise your accord's objectives
Formalise your liquor accord by distributing the liquor accord agreement to accord participants for their endorsement.
Your liquor accord agreement should be a voluntary agreement between members that:
- outlines the purpose and objectives (or goals) of your liquor accord
- details actions members agree to take to achieve the accord's objectives
- provides general information about how your accord will function, for example, its meetings, voting, and finance.
Step 8: Promote and launch your accord
Let everyone know about your liquor accord. Tell the community and local industry what your liquor accord is doing to enhance the community's wellbeing.
Hosting an official launch can attract media interest, especially if it's attended by a minister, member of parliament, local councillor, senior government official, or industry or community leader.
Consider catchphrases that summarise key initiatives of your liquor accord, for example, 'banned from one banned from all' is a catchphrase used by several accords to promote their patron banning strategies.
Get to know your local media outlets (newspapers, television, radio and social media). Send a media release or call to inform them of your liquor accord and its strategies. Provide opportunities for interviews and use any catchphrases in messaging to draw attention to your strategies.
Posters, stickers and drink coasters are useful promotional tools. Be sure to check for copyright issues (e.g. for use of logos) when preparing promotional materials.
Create a social media account (e.g. a Facebook page) to share updates and information with your members and local community.
Step 9: Evaluate your accord
Evaluating your liquor accord will tell you whether it's successful and why. Accord members should develop an evaluation process with agreed standards and indicators.
Consider whether:
- there have been improvements in relation to
- alcohol-related incidents, crime and road trauma—you can ask QPS
- alcohol-related complaints—you can ask OLGR
- antisocial behaviour—you can ask licensees
- you're achieving your objectives (or goals)
- your strategies are an efficient use of time and money and particular groups (e.g. community support organisations) are benefiting
- there are things you could do better next time.
Contact your members and stakeholders for feedback about your accord. Consider asking them to complete a short survey. Assess how best to refine your accord based on the responses you receive.
Also consider...
- Find information about liquor accords near you, including contact details and meeting times.
- Read tips for running a successful accord.
- Learn about other benefits of liquor accords.
- Read about other strategies liquor accords can use to address local issues.
- Find presenters to address your accord meetings.
- Download and display liquor accord signage.
- Keep up to date with changes and happenings in your industry by subscribing to the 'Inside Liquor and Gaming' newsletter.
- Last reviewed: 27 Jul 2022
- Last updated: 27 Jul 2022