Benefits of liquor accords
Join a liquor accord
Help minimise alcohol and gambling-related harm, receive updates, discuss important issues, and connect with other licensees and government agencies.
Use the interactive map to find information about liquor accords near you.
Liquor accords provide a forum for members and stakeholders to proactively discuss their views, concerns and expectations, while working towards preventing liquor-related issues affecting local businesses and the community.
The benefits of having a liquor accord in your area include:
- minimising alcohol and drug-related violence, antisocial behaviour and crime in and around licensed premises
- preventing under-age drinking
- increasing awareness and practices related to responsible service of alcohol and gambling
- improving understanding amongst licensees, approved managers, and staff of their legal obligations
- enhancing community understanding of the role of government agencies and availability of government resources
- creating safe and enjoyable environments for the benefit of local businesses and the community.
Legal protection for liquor accords using price or supply controls
Licensees who collectively implement price or supply controls on alcoholic drinks may risk reducing competition under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA).
However, exemptions from the competition provisions within the CCA may be available for liquor accords (and safe night precinct boards) in certain circumstances. This means, liquor accords may adopt price or supply controls where relevant alcohol-related problems have been identified in their communities and the controls are registered by the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation.
Also consider...
- Discover strategies liquor accords use to address local issues.
- Read newsletter articles about how liquor accords are
- Download and display liquor accord signage.
- Keep up to date with changes and happenings in your industry by subscribing to the 'Inside Liquor and Gaming' newsletter.
- Last reviewed: 27 Jul 2022
- Last updated: 17 Aug 2022