Electronic gaming machines: licensing
The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) regulates electronic machine gaming in Queensland under the Gaming Machine Act 1991. This includes issuing licences to:
- existing liquor licensees (individuals or organisations) who wish to provide gaming machine services
- individuals and organisations who wish to supply, monitor or service gaming machines (i.e. licensed monitoring operators, manufacturers, licensed testing facility operators and secondary dealers)
- individuals seeking employment in the gaming industry in Queensland.
There is a statewide cap on the total number of gaming machines that can operate in Queensland's hotels and clubs. Under the Electronic Gaming Machine Reallocation Scheme:
- licensees that operate a commercial hotel have to bid for 'gaming machine operating authorities' under a competitive tender process
- licensees that operate a community club may apply to transfer 'gaming machine entitlements' with another club or bid for entitlements under a competitive tender process.
This guide explains the different licences that relate to machine gaming in Queensland. It also provides an overview of the Electronic Gaming Machine Reallocation Scheme and the process for disposing of or surrendering gaming machines.
- Last reviewed: 24 Oct 2019
- Last updated: 24 Oct 2019