Weight notice
A weight notice records the total weight of caught fish.
This notice is required if you have caught species managed under:
- individual transferable quota (ITQ), or
- prescribed commercial catch (PCC) (except trochus and some coral species).
What to include
You must report the accurate weight (i.e., kilograms to one decimal place) for each quota species or quota category reported in your prior notice.
The fish must be weighed:
- in the same form they were landed
- accurately using certified scales
- before the start of the next fishing operation.
Unloading and weighing fish must take place at a location where an inspector may enter.
Transhipped fish
Weights are not required to be recorded on the catch disposal record before transhipping the fish.
When to submit
Most fisheries need to submit a weight notice before fish leave the fisher’s possession OR within 48 hours after the end of the fishing operation, whichever occurs first.
- R and D fisheries: before fish leave the landing place.
- B1 and T4 fishery: before fish leave the fisher’s possession OR within 7 days after the end of the fishing operation, whichever occurs first.
How to report
You can either:
- submit through the Qld eFisher app (if eligible fishery)
- call the Automated Interactive Voice Response (AIVR) system.
- Last reviewed: 13 Feb 2024
- Last updated: 13 Feb 2024