Catch disposal record
Catch disposal records are required for fisheries managed by quota.
The commercial fisher in control of the fishing operation is responsible for meeting the reporting requirements.
The commercial fisher, or assistant fisher under the direction of the commercial fisher, must ensure the catch disposal record is available for inspection while the fish are in their physical possession.
The catch disposal record is recognised as a sales docket, if the seller is the commercial fisher that caught the fish.
How to complete
You must complete the catch disposal record at the earliest of the following:
- at the point of disposal (e.g. sold, kept for personal use, or spoiled)
- before the next fishing operation
- within 7 days after the end of the fishing operation
Catch disposal records can be submitted either:
- as a hardcopy paper record, or
- via the Qld eFisher app (if eligible).
Qld eFisher app
You can submit your catch disposal record through the Qld eFisher app if:
- you operate in an eligible fishery, and
- all other reporting for the fishing operation is also submitted through the app.
You must submit this within 24 hours after the record is made.
Read the Qld eFisher app instructions.
Paper records
Hardcopy catch disposal records must be:
- submitted within 7 days after the record is made, and
- received by Fisheries Queensland no more than 15 days after the end of the month in which the record is made.
You can:
- check if catch disposal records have been received on FishNet Secure under ‘Log Page Receipt’
- request a copy of submitted catch disposal records.
Template catch disposal records:
Transhipped fish
A copy of the catch disposal record (weight omitted) must accompany the transhipped fish in these fisheries:
- R: Tropical rock lobster
- RQ: Reef line
- SM: Spanish mackerel
- N3: Net fishery (black jewfish only)
- N12: Net fishery (black jewfish only)
- N13: Net fishery (black jewfish only).
When the transhipped fish are unloaded and weighed, the weight must be added to the white copy of the catch disposal record, before being submitted.
- Last reviewed: 13 Feb 2024
- Last updated: 13 Feb 2024