Pre-trip notice
Commercial fishers must give a pre-trip notice:
- before you commence a fishing operation, or
- if any details have changed since you last submitted a pre-trip notice.
The commercial fisher in control of the fishing operation is responsible for meeting these reporting requirements.
What to include
You must ensure your pre-trip notice details are accurate:
- primary commercial fishing licence used
- commercial fisher licence number of the person in charge (AIVR only)
- purpose of the trip (commercial, recreation, charter)
- landing place (only applicable if the trip intention is commercial).
You cannot change the details after a fishing operation has begun (except the landing place).
If the landing place changes during a fishing operation, you must report the new landing place in a limited pre-trip (also known as an amending notice).
How to report
You can either:
- submit through the Qld eFisher app (if eligible fishery)
- call the Automated Interactive Voice Response (AIVR) system.
AIVR system
You only need to give a new pre-trip notice through AIVR if any of the details change (e.g., the fisher in charge, type of fishing operation or landing place).
Otherwise, the existing pre-trip notice automatically applies to future fishing operations.
Qld eFisher app
You can submit the notice through the Qld eFisher app if:
- you are in an eligible fishery, and
- all other records for this fishing operation are also submitted through the app.
The app will automatically link the commercial fisher licence logged in.
- Last reviewed: 13 Feb 2024
- Last updated: 13 Feb 2024