Local benefits test threshold list

Under the Queensland Government's procurement policy, the local benefits test is applied to all significant procurement activities. Refer to the Local benefits test guide for more information about how government agencies apply the test.

To help you plan your tender response and to prepare for future government work, you can search the list below, or download a copy of the local benefits test thresholds list (PDF, 655KB).

Read more about how Queensland Government buyers apply the local benefits test.

How the thresholds are determined

Local benefits test thresholds are made up of the following categories or a combination of these categories:

  • Value – a monetary figure at which the test applies
  • Risk – a level of risk to the agency at which the test applies
  • Case-by-case – the determination of whether the test applies is dependent on a range of impacting factors and decided on a case-by-case basis
  • All – all procurement includes the test
  • Not applicable – the agency does not apply the test
  • Under development – the agency is considering its significant procurement threshold for application of the test.
Agency name Agency type Threshold for applying the Local Benefits Test (LBT)Notes
Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland Statutory body All procurement Local suppliers are a priority
Anzac Day Trust Statutory body Not applicable Administrative procurement activities are delivered within Office of Industrial Relations budget and no other procurement activities occur as part of the operational function
Avondale Water Board Statutory body All procurement Approved contractors are only sourced from the Wide Bay region
Babinda Swamp Drainage Board Statutory body Not applicable The board does not undertake any procurement activities
Board of Architects of Queensland Statutory body All procurement Alternative suppliers are assessed on a case-by-case basis where none are available in Queensland
Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland Statutory body Not applicable The board does not undertake any significant procurement activities
Board of Trustees of Newstead House Statutory body Value/case-by-case combination $10,000 and local suppliers are considered for all procurements. Alternative suppliers are assessed on a case-by-case basis where no suppliers exist in Queensland
Board of Trustees of the Townsville Grammar School Statutory body All procurement Approved contractors are only sourced from the North Queensland region
Board of Wet Tropics Management Authority Statutory body Value $150,000 - All significant procurement is performed centrally by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
Bones Knob Water Board Statutory body All procurement Local suppliers are a priority. Alternative suppliers are assessed on a case-by-case basis where no suppliers exist in the Tablelands/Far North Queensland region
Brisbane Girls Grammar School Statutory body Value $100,000
Building Queensland Statutory body Value $2 million
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service Statutory body Case-by-case Determined as part of the evaluation assessment
Children's Health Queensland Health Service Statutory body Value/risk combination More than $250,000 or with a high value/risk measurement
Children's Hospital Foundation Queensland Statutory body Value $200,000
Community Enterprise Queensland Statutory body Value $5 million
Crime and Corruption Commission Statutory body Value/case-by-case combination $500,000 or lower where there is an added value by utilising local resources and the local resources have the capability to meet requirements
Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service Statutory body Value $1 million
Don River Improvement Trust Statutory body Value $100,000
Dumaresq-Barwon Border Rivers Commission Statutory body Not applicable The commission does not undertake any significant procurement activities
East Deeral Drainage Board Statutory body Not applicable The board does not undertake any procurement activities
Expenditure Advisory Committee for the Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment Statutory body Value, risk, and case-by-case combination Procurement on behalf of the Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment is undertaken in accordance with the procurement policies and thresholds of the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Family Responsibilities Commission Statutory body Value $100,000
Fernlee Water Authority Statutory body Not applicable Do not undertake any procurement activities
GasFields Commission Queensland Statutory body Value More than $150,000
Gladstone Area Water Board Statutory body All procurement -
Glamorgan Vale Water Board Statutory body Value $25,000
Gold Coast Hospital Foundation Statutory body All procurement Alternative suppliers are assessed on a case-by-case basis where none exist in Queensland
Gold Coast Hospital Health Service Statutory body Value $100,000
Gold Coast Waterways Authority Statutory body Value $250,000
Griffith University Statutory body Value More than $200,000
Ingie Water Authority Statutory body Not applicable Any procurement activities to manage maintenance are conducted by the water users
Ipswich Girls' Grammar School (Board of Trustees of Ipswich Girls' Grammar School) Statutory body Value $50,000
Ipswich Grammar School Statutory body Value $10,000
Ipswich Hospital Foundation Statutory body Value $5,000
Ipswich Rivers Improvement Trust Statutory body All procurement Approved contractors are only sourced from Ipswich or the South East Queensland region
James Cook University Statutory body Value $200,000 for a request for quote, however, it is required that local businesses be considered before looking outside of the local region for all purchases
Kaywanna Bore Water Board Statutory body All procurement Local suppliers are a priority. Alternative suppliers are assessed on a case-by-case basis where no suppliers exist in southern Queensland
Legal Aid Board and Legal Aid Queensland Statutory body Value $250,000 and local benefit is also considered for procurements between $25,000–$250,000
Legal Practitioners Admissions Board Statutory body Value $50,000
Legal Services Commission Statutory body Value $20,000
Mackay Hospital and Health Service Statutory body Value $250,000
Matthews Road Drainage Board Statutory body Not applicable The board does not undertake any procurement activities
Mental Health Court (and Assisting Psychiatrists) Statutory body Not applicable Do not undertake any significant procurement activities. Any procurement utilised by this office is under current Queensland Government arrangements
Metro North Health Service Statutory body Value/risk combination The current matrix is such that a procurement with a minimum contribution to government targets/commitments and:
  • low supply market risk will be significant where the spend more than $1 million (ex. GST)
  • or
  • high supply market risk of any value
Mount Isa Water Board Statutory body Value $250,000
Mt Gravatt Showgrounds Trust Statutory body Value $1,000 and suppliers local to Mount Gravatt are prioritised for all procurement
National Injury Insurance Agency Statutory body Value $1 million
North West Hospital and Health Service Statutory body Case-by-case Local benefit is determined as part of the evaluation assessment
Office of the Health Ombudsman Statutory body Value $5,000
Office of the Information Commissioner Statutory body Case-by-case An assessment is made by the Information Commissioner for all procurement
Office of the Inspector-General Emergency Management Statutory body Value/risk combination All planned procurements are assessed using the value/risk assessment model with value risk ratings of strategic, leveraged and focussed considered to be significant
Parole Board Queensland Statutory body Value $250,000
Prostitution Licencing Authority Statutory body Value $10,000
Public Safety Business Agency Statutory body Value/risk combination All planned procurements are assessed using the value/risk assessment model with value risk ratings of strategic, leveraged and focussed considered to be significant
Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees Statutory body Value $1 million
Queensland Building and Construction Commission Statutory body Value $1 million
Queensland Competition Authority Statutory body Value $100,000
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority Statutory body Value $100,000
Queensland Family and Child Commission Statutory body Value $100,000
Queensland Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council Statutory body Not applicable The council does not undertake any procurement activities and plays an advisory function role only
Queensland Law Reform Commission Statutory body Value $250,000
Queensland Law Society Statutory body Value $50,000
Queensland Mental Health Commission Statutory body Value $250,000
Queensland Performing Arts Trust Statutory body Not yet determined -
Queensland Racing Integrity Commission Statutory body Value $100,000
Queensland Reconstruction Authority Statutory body Value $1 million
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Statutory body Value $10,000
Queensland Treasury Corporation Statutory body Case-by-case Local benefit is determined as part of the evaluation assessment
Queensland University of Technology Statutory body Value $200,000
Racing Queensland Statutory body Value $500,000
Roadvale Water Board Statutory body Value $25,000
Safe Food Production Queensland Statutory body Value $100,000
Scenic Rim River Trust Statutory body Value $25,000
Seqwater Statutory body Value $100,000
Silkwood Drainage Board Statutory body Value $1,000
South Bank Corporation Statutory body All procurement -
South West Health Service Statutory body Value/risk combination Refers to goods, services and capital projects identified as being high expenditure and/or for which there is a high degree of business risk
Stadiums Queensland Statutory body Value/risk combination More than $65,000 and high risk, or more than $1 million
State Library of Queensland Statutory body Value $100,000
Supreme Court Library Committee Statutory body All procurement Local suppliers are a priority. Alternative suppliers are assessed on a case-by-case basis where none are available or suitable in Queensland
Surveyors Board of Queensland Statutory body All procurement Any purchases are sourced from local suppliers
TAFE Queensland Statutory body Value All procurement over $250,000, plus regional procurement for contracts/arrangements valued $100,000 to $250,000
The Board of the Queensland Museum Statutory body Value/risk combination More than $100,000 or any high risk purchase
The Board of Trustees of Brisbane Grammar School Statutory body Value/risk combination $50,000 or above and has been assessed as high risk
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority, trading as QLeave Statutory body Not applicable Does not undertake significant procurement. Any significant activities are outsourced to the Corporate Administration Agency
The Public Trustee Statutory body Under development  
The Rockhampton Girls Grammar School Statutory body Value $300,000
Toowoomba Hospital Foundation Statutory body Value $10,000
Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service Statutory body Value $250,000
Townsville Health Service Statutory body Value $1 million
Trade and Investment Queensland Board Statutory body Value $50,000
University of Southern Queensland Statutory body Value $500,000
Wambo Shire River Improvement Trust Statutory body Value $100,000
Water Act Referral Panel Statutory body Not applicable The panel does not undertake any procurement activities and plays an advisory function role only
Whitsunday River Improvement Trust Statutory body Value $100, however, local suppliers are prioritised for all procurement
WorkCover Queensland Statutory body Value/risk combination $500,000 or high risk
CS Energy Ltd Government owned corporations Value $2 million
Energy Queensland Government owned corporations Value $500,000
Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited (Ports North) Government owned corporations Value $5 million
Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited Government owned corporations Value $5 million
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Government owned corporations Value $5 million
Port of Townsville Limited Government owned corporations Value $250,000
QIC Limited Government owned corporations Value $5 million
Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited (Powerlink) Government owned corporations Value $500,000
Stanwell Corporation Limited Government owned corporations Value $5 million
Sunwater Limited Government owned corporations Value $50 million
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Budget sector agency Value $250,000
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Budget sector agency Value, risk, and case-by-case combination More than $250,000 and considered risk, complexity, location and nature of the individual activity
Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women Budget sector agency Value/risk combination More than $250,000 or high value/risk measurement
Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors Budget sector agency Value $250,000
Department of Education Budget sector agency Value/case-by-case combination
  1. Significant procurement threshold is $2 million
  2. Inclusion of an LBT is mandatory for all significant procurement and during the establishment or extension of any standing offer/pre-qualified supply arrangement and/or as otherwise determined by the department
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Budget sector agency Value $250,000
Department of Environment, Science and Innovation Budget sector agency Value, risk, and case-by-case combination More than $250,000 and considered risk, complexity, location and nature of the individual activity
Department of Health Budget sector agency Value/risk combination Significant procurement includes goods and services identified as being high expenditure and/or for which there is a high degree of business risk. For the purposes of this definition, 'high expenditure' for the following procurement categories is:
  • ICT over $1 million
  • capital works over $10 million
  • social services over $250,000 per annum
  • other over $250,000
Department of Housing and Public Works Budget sector agency Value, risk, and case-by-case combination More than $250,000 or value/risk approach and case-by-case where appropriate
Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development Budget sector agency Value More than $25,000
Department of Justice and Attorney-General Budget sector agency Value $250,000
Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs Budget sector agency Value $1 million
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Budget sector agency Value, risk, and case-by-case combination More than $250,000 and considered risk, complexity, location and nature of the individual activity
Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Budget sector agency Value $1 million
Department of the Premier and Cabinet Budget sector agency Value $250,000
Department of Transport and Main Roads Budget sector agency Value/risk combination Significant procurement thresholds:
  • Infrastructure: More than $20 million
  • Building and capital works: More than $750,000 multiple trade and $1 million single trade
  • Goods and services: No value allocation
  • ICT: $1 million.
All procurements planned are assessed using the value/risk assessment model which helps determine the approach to conducting the procurement process
Electoral Commission of Queensland Budget sector agency All procurements -
Public Sector Commission Budget sector agency Value $250,000
Queensland Audit Office Budget sector agency All procurements Local providers in regional locations are prioritised where available and appropriate
Queensland Corrective Services Budget sector agency Value $250,000
Queensland Fire Department Budget sector agency Value/risk combination All planned procurements are assessed using the value/risk assessment model with value risk ratings of strategic, leveraged and focussed considered to be significant
Queensland Ombudsman Budget sector agency Value $100,000
Queensland Police Service Budget sector agency Value/risk combination All planned procurements are assessed using the value/risk assessment model with value risk ratings of strategic, leveraged and focussed considered to be significant
Queensland Treasury Budget sector agency Value $1 million
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