Providing medication assistance
If you are a residential service that is assisting a resident with their medication, the Guideline for medication assistance (PDF, 1.6MB) will support you to develop policies and procedures, implement safe practices and to minimise the risk of harm from inappropriate use of medication.
The guideline includes important information about medication assistance including:
- written consent, privacy and confidentiality
- staff training
- medication storage, handling and labelling
- the safe disposal of medications
- medication incidents
- quality use of medicines activities.
Accreditation for assistance with medication
You must comply with the guideline to demonstrate your suitability for accreditation as a level 3 residential services provider.
You must be accredited at level 3 to provide a personal care service when operating a residential service.
Assistance with medication falls under the accreditation matter 'assistance with medication' as outlined in the Residential Services (Accreditation) Regulation 2018 (the Regulation).
You will be assessed against the following criteria during an accreditation assessment for level 3 services:
- the extent to which you provide the personal care service in a way that meets the individual needs of the residents the service is provided to, protects their interests and maintains and enhances their quality of life generally
- the suitability of the staff members providing the personal care service.
The Medication assistance compliance checklist (PDF, 176KB) can help you identify areas needing attention to ensure you are appropriately assisting residents with medication. It is recommended you complete the checklist to assess compliance prior to any accreditation or renewal audit.
For more information regarding your accreditation obligations, read the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002 and Residential Services (Accreditation) Regulation 2018.
Medication assistance forms
Written request/consent for assistance with medication (PDF, 127KB)
You must ensure you obtain an initial request (in writing) from the person requiring assistance with their medication. Alternatively, if a person requiring assistance has impaired decision-making capacity, a substitute decision maker as defined under the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 and Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 may request assistance in writing on behalf of the resident.
Medication record (PDF, 170KB)
You must keep a record of the daily living, medical or health supports required by each resident. A Medication Record must accurately reflect the medication assistance provided to residents.
Medication distribution record (PDF, 193KB)
A Medication distribution record should be used for accurate and timely recording of each occasion where medication assistance is provided.
Staff training record (PDF, 143KB)
Training records must be maintained for all staff. You must ensure that staff are given training in the policies and procedures for assisting with medication, obtaining and storing medication, familiarisation with packaging and labelling, and the completion of medication records.
Medication incident report form (PDF, 122KB)
A medication incident is any preventable event that may lead to inappropriate medication use or result in harm from medications, and may include a mistake with medication, or a problem that could cause a mistake with medication.
As soon as possible after an incident, but no later than by the end of the shift, all medication incidents must be recorded on a Medication Incident Report Form
Medication record (temporarily off-site) (PDF, 171KB)
The Medication Record (Temporarily Off-site) should be used to document each occasion where medication is provided for the resident to use when off-site (e.g. a social outing).
If you need more information about providing a personal care service, you can:
- email
- phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
- contact Regulatory Services on (07) 3013 2666.
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- Last reviewed: 1 Sep 2020
- Last updated: 11 Jan 2023