Disability accommodation service providers
Until recently, if you received funding under the Disability Services Act 2006 to run your accommodation service, you were likely exempt from registering as a residential service under the Residential Services (Accreditation Act) 2002.
The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and changes to funding sources mean this exemption no longer applies. Providers of disability accommodation may now fall under the terms of the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002 and may be required to register as a residential service.
Find out if your service needs to register
- Complete a self-assessment form, detailing each location where you offer disability accommodation services. The form will provide an initial assessment indicating if you need to register. Email regulatoryservices@housing.qld.gov.au to request a self-assessment form, if you have not already received one.
- Return your completed form to regulatoryservices@housing.qld.gov.au with the subject line 'DAP – name of your organisation'.
We'll review your form and let you know if you need to register any of your properties, and if so, provide you with the registration and accreditation process.
We may ask for more information or conduct inspections if it's not clear whether a property needs to be registered.
Due to the large number of providers and properties to be assessed, it's likely there will be a delay before all self-assessment forms are received and processed. There will be no penalties for organisations waiting on assessment.
If you don't return your self-assessment form
If you don't return the self-assessment form, we will not be able to assess your need to register as a residential service. This may mean that your service is operating as an unregistered service. Operating an unregistered residential service is an offence under section 9(1) of The Residential Services (Accreditation Act) 2002 Act and can attract a penalty of up to 200 penalty units.
Watch our webinar for more information about whether you need to register your disability accommodation service and how to register.
Registering as a residential service
Read the definition of a residential service and the accommodation services that are exempt from being residential services.
All residential services must apply for registration and accreditation with the Queensland Government.
The number of 4 or more residents in the definition of a residential service is based on rooms available for occupancy by individual residents. Therefore, if the building has 4 rooms available for occupancy, it may be captured as a residential service.
If a service provider has multiple locations, it is the sum of all available rooms that is counted. For example, a provider who has 2 rooms in 1 property and 3 in a second property may need to register as a residential service.
Each property is registered separately. If 1 property does not achieve registration, it will not affect the registration of another property—the status of 1 property will not impact the others.
Accommodation services that may not require registration
In addition to the accommodation services that are exempt from being residential services, the following may not require registration as a residential service:
- A property with a single tenancy agreement where residents share the whole premises (e.g. a share house) is not considered to be a residential service, even if residents receive support services.
- Supported Independent Living providers offering accommodation services with fewer than 4 participants does not need be registered if there is only 1 property.
- Properties accommodating children with disabilities in the care of the state are not required to be registered if the service is conducted by the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships or using funding provided under the Disability Services Act 2006.
- If you provide an accommodation service using a property owned by the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works, you are not required to apply for registration as an exemption applies to a funded service under the Housing Act 2003.
If you received capital funding under the Disability Services Act 2006, we will make an assessment on whether your exemption under section 4(5)(i) of the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002 continues to apply or whether you will need registration as a residential service. This will depend upon the specific provisions contained within the capital funding agreement.
Email regulatoryservices@housing.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3013 2666 if you need more information about disability accommodation service provider registration.
- Last reviewed: 22 Mar 2023
- Last updated: 9 Apr 2024