How we sell state-owned timber and other forest products
We have the right to sell state-owned forest products in Queensland under the Forestry Act 1959 (Qld). We issue sales permits for the removal of log timber and other forest products on state forests, timber reserves and other state-owned land, such as leasehold land.
We also issue permits on other land where the state owns the native timber, including some freehold land recently converted from leasehold.
We mostly issue permits for sawlogs, and poles and girders, along with small volumes of landscaping logs. The main species include:
- spotted gum
- white cypress
- narrow-leaved red ironbark
- grey ironbark
- forest red gum
- blackbutt
- Gympie messmate
- sandalwood.
We also issue permits for other forest products, including:
- foliage, seeds and plants
- fencing material
- firewood
- honey
- other products such as wood turning timber and didgeridoo blanks.
Mostly, we sell sawlogs through long-term sale permits to timber processors, and other forest products through short-term permits or one-off sales.
To hold a sales permit for timber and other forest products you will be required to have appropriate environmental and safety accreditation, or use employees or contractors who have this accreditation.
Permits for honey production are issued as site permits for keeping hives. Read more about beekeeping in Queensland.
Find out more about development approvals and state-owned native forest timber.
Obtaining permits for state-owned forest products
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries sells forest products under the Forestry Act.
Quantities of forest products occasionally become available for sale. When these opportunities become available, details will be published here.
You may be issued with a sales permit to purchase these resources provided you satisfy any required environmental and safety accreditations.
For enquiries about a specific forest product, contact the Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23.
Understanding sales permits
A sales permit is issued under the Forestry Act to allow for the removal and use of state-owned forest products.
A sales permit is a legal agreement between the state of Queensland and a permittee, and sets out the commercial terms, rights and performance requirements agreed between the parties.
Land tenures with forest products
State-owned forest products under the Forestry Act are located on state forests and timber reserves.
The state also owns forest products on land leased under the Land Act 1994, such as:
- pastoral leases
- grazing homestead perpetual leases
- term leases
- perpetual leases.
The state can also own forest products on:
- reserves
- deeds of grant in trust
- permits to occupy
- occupation licences
- roads
- unallocated state land.
On freehold land, the state can continue to own the forest products where a forest consent area and forest entitlement area has been established.
Selling and using forest products on leasehold land
You cannot sell or remove state-owned forest products without a sales permit unless you are authorised under other legislation.
As the leaseholder, you may use forest products if you:
- do not remove them from the land
- use them only to construct, maintain or repair essential infrastructure
- ensure the use is consistent with the purpose of the granted lease as issued under the Land Act.
Forest consent areas and forest consent agreements on freehold titles
A forest consent area is a defined area where the state retains ownership of selected native timber resources under the Forestry Act. You will require a sales permit to remove or use this timber.
A forest consent agreement is registered on the title as a profit à prendre (a right for the state to take the timber) and defines the extent of the forest consent area.
Carbon markets and native forests
If you have state-owned native forest on your land, you will need to confirm with the us whether you are able to participate in carbon projects. Contact our Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23 to find out more.
This includes leasehold land and freehold land where the state retains ownership of the timber. This is because it may impact the state’s ability to access its native timber resources.
Read more about carbon rights on state land.
Also consider...
- Download the code of practice for native forest timber production on the QPWS forest estate 2020 (PDF, 4.3MB).
- Learn about accepted development vegetation clearing codes and managing a native forest practice.
- Read the forest harvesting code of practice 2007 (PDF, 1.5MB).
- Follow the code of practice for the harvest and use of protected plants.
- Follow the code of conduct for the sale of forest and quarry products.
- Download the native forest log timber removals spreadsheet.
- Last reviewed: 19 Sep 2019
- Last updated: 28 Aug 2023