Preparing your business for an emergency

You should prepare for emergencies that are most likely to occur and have the greatest impact on your business.

Potential emergencies include:

  • workplace accidents or deaths
  • dangerous material spills, leaks or explosions
  • loss of power, infrastructure or transport disaster
  • terrorist or major criminal incidents
  • biosecurity threats (pest and animal disease outbreaks).

An emergency plan is a legal requirement for all businesses.

Make a plan

To prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and emergencies, your business should develop the following types a of plans:

Note: By law, you must have an emergency plan for your business.

Prepare for an emergency

Respond to an emergency

Phone Triple Zero (000) in a life-threatening emergency.

Workplace emergency

  • Phone Triple Zero (000) and follow emergency services' advice.
  • Keep staff, visitors and customers safe.
  • Activate your emergency plan and assign emergency roles.
  • Collect your emergency kit.
  • Secure business premises, stock and equipment, information, records and data if there's time.

Workplace accident or medical incidents

Notifiable biosecurity incidents

Report all notifiable biosecurity incidents immediately to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Biosecurity Queensland) on 13 25 23 . Examples of notifiable incidents may include:

  • animal health and diseases – including emergency diseases, blisters on the mouth or feet of stock and abnormally high mortality rates in animals or plants)
  • plant pests and diseases – including weeds that may be new to Australia, unexpected crop failures, a sudden and unexplained fall in production
  • pest ants, including fire ants, report to 13 25 23 or complete the online fire ant yard check form
  • contaminants (e.g. heavy metals, asbestos, residual organochlorine pesticides or pathogenic bacteria) above a prescribed threshold.

Suspicious behaviour or extremist activities

Report suspicious behaviour or extremist activities immediately to the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400. Suspicious behaviour can include:

  • unusual purchases of large quantities of fertiliser, chemicals or explosives
  • unusual filming of official buildings or critical infrastructure
  • suspicious vehicles near significant buildings or busy public places
  • unattended bags.

Recover from an emergency

  • Use your business continuity plan to assess your business operations.
  • Consider what your back-up or alternative re-opening options might be, including:
    • using alternative premises (e.g. home, library, suppliers)
    • buying or hiring equipment
    • contracting out work
    • reduce hours
    • providing limited services or products
    • selling online only
    • compare your prices to competitors.
  • Replace destroyed equipment, stock, records and documents.
  • Review and update your business continuity plan and emergency plan and procedures.

Review your finances

  • Contact your accountant to:
    • identify how long you can operate with reduced or no revenue
    • identify how long you can continue to pay staff and creditors before your business would be trading insolvently
    • identify if or when you would need to lay off staff
    • develop a plan to pay creditors on payment plans where possible.
  • Taking stock of your business is CPA Australia's kit to help you assess your financial position.
  • Learn more about managing cash flow and debtors.

Get financial help

Contact your bank

  • Ask your bank about financial hardship options, for example:
    • changing loan terms
    • temporarily pausing or reducing repayments
    • deferring repayments and interest payments (all missed payments and interest will need to be repaid)
    • waiving fees and charges
    • consolidating your debt
    • finance to help cover cash flow shortages
    • deferring upcoming credit card payments
    • increasing emergency credit card limits
    • waiving early termination fees to access term deposits.
  • Provide loan details (account name and number, payment amounts) and an overview of your financial situation.
  • Request a hardship variation by using the sample letter generator from the Financial Rights Legal Centre to send to your bank.
  • Your bank must advise you within 21 days about your hardship request. If you can't negotiate a variation, you can:

Contact utility providers

  • Contact your utility providers' hardship team about electricity, gas, phone or water bill payment options.
  • Contact your insurer – if you are not covered for the emergency situation, find out if you can make a claim under your business interruption or income protection insurance.
  • Contact the Insurance Council of Australia (phone 1800 734 621) if you have questions about your policy or don't know who your insurer is.
  • Check if your insurance policy:
    • funds clean-ups
    • requires authorisation before repairs begin
    • provides emergency or advance funds for wages or recovery activities
  • Gather all information about the claim:
    • complete an event log
    • items to claim and when purchased
    • equipment, furniture you've had to throw away
    • photo and/or video evidence.
  • Make a claim and resolving issues:
    • lodge claim as soon as possible – don't wait for a full damage assessment before making a claim
      • insurers must fast track a claim if you can demonstrate 'financial need' (read item 64 of the General Insurance Code of Practice) – if the insurer agrees, an advance payment must be made within 5 days
      • your insurer must inform you of their decision within 10 business days of receiving your claim
    • contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority on 1800 931 678 if you can't reach agreement with your insurer
    • phone Legal Aid Queensland on 1300 651 188 if you need information and advice on how to get a claim paid.

Communication tips

Communication is crucial during and after an emergency. Your staff and customers will want to know what measures you're taking to manage the incident, reduce its impact and prevent it from happening again.

Learn more about responding to negative social media or media coverage.

Consider who your business needs to communicate with during and after an emergency.

Key stakeholders may include:

  • staff
  • a regulatory body or agency
  • customers, clients or guests
  • suppliers and distributors
  • an industry body.

To communicate to stakeholders:

  • use social media channels and your website to get the message out widely
  • keep customers, suppliers and stakeholders updated about your business operations
  • answer emails promptly, thank people for their support and log customer phone calls
  • celebrate and let people know about recovery steps, milestones, or successes.
  • We are saddened to confirm that a (staff member/visitor/client/guest) was (injured/killed) in an incident today.
  • We are devastated by this accident and our thoughts are with them, their families and those who witnessed the incident.
  • We take the safety of our staff/guests/customers very seriously and we are working closely with authorities.
  • We are working closely with authorities and Workplace Health and Safety Queensland to assist in any way we can.
  • We have suspended our operations/tours and will work with authorities to determine when we will re-open.
  • We would like to thank emergency services for their immediate response.
  • Our thoughts are with the individuals affected and their families.
  • Our priority is allowing emergency services to do their job.
  • We are working closely with the relevant authorities to ensure the safety of our (staff, customers and/or guests).
  • Authorities are well prepared to handle events like this, so please follow any directions they make.

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