Development of draft end of waste codes

The Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (the department), under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011, may develop an end of waste (EOW) code.

Annual call for submissions

The department calls for submissions annually for the development of EOW codes. While submissions on all resource types are considered by department, the decision on whether or not to develop an EOW code is at the discretion of the department.

Where the department considers that a waste has properties that make it comparable to a product and has negligible environmental risks, it may develop a draft EOW code for the waste. A technical advisory panel may be established by the department for the development of an EOW code.

Once a draft EOW code has been developed, it will undergo a public consultation process to allow all interested parties the opportunity to provide comment on the proposed EOW code.

The annual call for submissions is now open and closes at 5pm on Monday 10 February 2025 (see notice inviting submissions below).

Although the department calls for submissions annually, proponents can engage with the department throughout the year on the development of EOW codes. Complete the application for pre-lodgement services form to request a pre-design/pre-lodgement meeting outside of the annual submission period.

For more information, contact with 'EOW codes' in the email subject heading.

Notice inviting comment on draft EOW codes

The Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation invites submissions on the development of new EOW codes under s. 160 of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011. A person may make a submission to the chief executive about any particular waste for which an EOW code should be prepared. The submission period closes at 5pm on Monday 10 February 2025. Submissions received will help inform the development of future EOW codes where there is strong industry demand.

To have your say, complete the submission for proposed end of waste code form by 5pm Monday 10 February 2025.

This submission form includes details of the information to be provided when making a submission. However, if you need more information on making a submission, contact with 'EOW codes' in the email subject heading.

Technical advisory panels

Technical advisory panels may be established by the department to prepare draft EOW codes, or to advise on draft EOW codes or amendments to EOW codes.

You may express your interest in being added to a list of experts who could be part of a technical advisory panel. Note: The department is under no obligation to invite persons on the list to participate on a technical advisory panel.

Interested persons will need to:

  1. Nominate a waste material(s), waste type(s), or other specific area(s) of expertise in which you are qualified and experienced. Other specific areas of expertise may include, for example, chemicals, environmental assessment and expertise associated with the potential end use of a waste.
  2. Be well established in the nominated area(s) of expertise evidenced through qualifications, experience, or professional recognition.
  3. Be a member of a relevant professional organisation(s) where applicable.
  4. Be willing to provide inputs intermittently over a given period (approximately 6 months) on a volunteer basis.
  5. Provide a resume demonstrating the general requirements above and provide 2 professional referees.
  6. Provide a cover letter (maximum 2 pages) demonstrating the skills relevant to the area(s) of expertise.

Send details, demonstrating the general requirements above, to with 'TAP EOI – waste type' as the subject heading.

This is an open invitation and expressions of interest (EOI) are welcome at any time. The department will review EOIs as they are received and advise you of the outcome. If you have any questions regarding the process to establish a technical advisory panel, or the role of the panel in development or amendment of an EOW code, email

Schedule of proposed EOW codes

The following schedule provides details on the development of draft EOW codes.

Register your interest in being consulted when a draft EOW code is being prepared, by sending the following details to, with the subject heading 'EOI – consultation on draft codes':

  • your name
  • company name (if applicable)
  • email
  • postal address
  • telephone
  • the EOW code(s) that you wish to be consulted on.

Note: All the draft EOW codes listed in the schedule will be made publicly available on this website for consultation and registration is not essential to provide comment.

Waste Proposed use TAP identified as required Date for commencement of draft code development Proposed date for completion of draft code development
Glycerol Feedstock in manufacturing compost No Public consultation completed Public consultation completed
Biochar Fertiliser/soil conditioner No Public consultation completed Public consultation completed

Note: In the event of any changes to the proposed date for completion following unforeseen circumstances, an update will be provided on this website.

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