Dangerous goods packaging design applications

If you will be transporting dangerous goods in packaging, you need to have the packaging design approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads before it can be used for the transport of dangerous goods by road. Examples of packaging include:

  • intermediate bulk containers
  • outer packaging
  • drums
  • jerry cans
  • boxes
  • bottles
  • bags.


The application fee is $60.45 (current to 30 June 2024). You must pay the fee at a transport and motoring customer service centre prior to posting your application.

Note: On 1 July 2023 our fees and charges increased by 3.4% in line with the government's indexation policy.

Application checklist

Dangerous goods packaging design applications must include:

Submitting your application

Send your application to:

Industry and Operator Authorisation Unit
Department of Transport and Main Roads
PO Box 673


Email your application to dgu@tmr.qld.gov.au.

Approval process and guidelines

Approval of a packaging design by the department only applies to use of the packaging in Queensland. If the packaging will be used in other states and territories, make this known in your application. The approval will then be submitted to the Competent Authorities Panel (CAP) for national endorsement, which will allow the use of the packaging in other states and territories.

You may manufacture multiple units of the same packaging design. However, if any changes are made to the approved design, you must submit a new packaging design application, along with the application fee.

For more information about the application process for dangerous goods packaging, contact the department at dgu@tmr.qld.gov.au.