Complying with your resource authority
If you hold a resource authority, you must comply with the following requirements, as well as with any specific conditions attached to your authority.
Reporting obligations
You must submit a range of reports and notices about your activities. For more information, see our guides to lodging statutory reports and notices for minerals and coal and for petroleum and energy. You can register with MyMinesOnline for help tracking your reporting obligations.
Water reporting
You must comply with the water reporting and notification requirements for your resource activity.
Mining lease and mineral development licence holders must comply with the requirements for coal and mineral activities.
Petroleum lease holders must comply with the requirements for petroleum and gas activities.
Later development plans and work programs
You will need to submit a later development plan or work program before your current one expires, or when you apply to renew your authority.
A joint development plan (JDP) is required for resources authorities subject to chapter 4 of the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 for overlapping tenures. The mining lease (coal) holder is responsible for negotiating with the petroleum resource authority to develop a mutually beneficial joint development plan. The JDP must identify the holders under the plan, set out an overview of activities and location of activities proposed to be carried out in the overlapping area by the holders and supply other information as set out in the legislation.
The holders must ensure there is consistency between a work program or development plan and the joint development plan.
Permit administration
Transfers, changes of name or address and other administrative applications can be submitted through MyMinesOnline or using the approved hard-copy forms.
Changes to permit conditions
Find out how to lodge variations to conditions for exploration.
Local government rates and charges
Mining claim, mining lease, petroleum lease, geothermal lease and greenhouse gas lease holders are required to pay local government rates and charges as a condition of the resource authority. Outstanding local government rates and charges will impact multiple resource authority application types including:
- authority renewal applications
- authority transfer applications
- petroleum lease amalgamation and division applications.
Renewing your resource authority
You must submit your renewal application online within the renewal period and before the authority expires.
Rent and royalties
Rent and royalties must be paid by the due date or interest, late fees, penalties and cancellation could apply.
Collecting and maintaining drill core and drill samples
You are required to comply with all requests in relation to collecting, storing and providing drill core and drill samples.
Land access
You must comply with land access requirements, which include requirements to notify landholders before entering their land to carry out any activity. Entry notice templates are available for you to use.
Native title
If your authority is subject to native title protection conditions or another native title agreement, you must ensure you comply with any additional conditions outlined in these documents.
Indigenous cultural heritage
Under the provisions of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003, you have a cultural heritage duty of care and must take all reasonable and practical measures to ensure your activities do not harm Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Environmental authorities
If you hold an environmental authority, you will need to comply with the requirements of the environmental authority and the Environmental Protection Act 1994. These may include paying annual fees, submitting annual returns and paying financial provision.
If your authority has been granted subject to the small-scale mining code, you must comply with the conditions in the code.
Restricted areas
You must not conduct any exploration and mining activities in national parks and world heritage listed areas. You must also observe any conditions in place over restricted areas.
Reserve land
You must not conduct any exploration and mining activities on the surface of reserve land unless you have first obtained written consent from the reserve land owner or the consent of the Governor in Council.
Overlapping authorities
You must determine whether any other petroleum, gas or geothermal authorities exist within the boundaries of your authority. If they do, you may need to consult with the other authority holders and obtain their consent before conducting activities.
The Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 establishes a new framework for managing Queensland's overlapping coal and petroleum (CSG) tenures which requires affected tenure holders to exchange information, and enter into a joint development plan.
Safety and health obligations
You must comply with the requirements of safety and health legislation at all times.
Holders of mineral and coal authorities must comply with mining safety and health requirements.
Holders of petroleum and gas, geothermal and greenhouse gas authorities must comply with petroleum and gas safety and health requirements.
- Last reviewed: 19 Jul 2024
- Last updated: 19 Aug 2024