Applying to become a registered suitable operator

The Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) requires a person or corporation to be registered as a suitable operator before they apply for an environmental authority and carry out environmentally relevant activities under the Environmental Protection Act 1994.

Before you begin

Before registering as a suitable operator, we strongly recommend that you read the relevant documents outlined in the enquiry stage as well as participate in a pre-lodgement meeting.

How to apply

Apply through Online Services (preferred method) to become a registered suitable operator.

Alternatively, you can complete an application to be a suitable registered operator form (DOCX, 126KB) and submit by email or hard copy to DESI.

To determine if you are already a registered suitable operator, search the register of suitable operators.

Once registered, you will be assigned a reference number and placed on the register of suitable operators.

Next steps

Once you are on the register, read about the environmental impact statement (EIS) process to determine whether your project may need an EIS.

if your project:

If you have not applied already, the resource authority (tenure) application process can be done concurrently.

Contact us

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation

Phone: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)