Pests and diseases in bees
Queensland is a varroa mite biosecurity zone.
Varroa mite is a prohibited matter under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Help keep Queensland free of varroa mite by:
- monitoring hives
- reporting hive checks
- coming clean and going clean, especially between apiaries
- following movement restrictions, including the movement control order for carriers coming from the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
Diseases and pests of bees present in Queensland can impact hive productivity.
Under the Biosecurity Act 2014, you will need to take an active role in managing biosecurity risks under your control—this is known as the general biosecurity obligation (GBO).
If you see anything that is not right, such as an unexpected fall in honey production, contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.
Watch our bee biosecurity talks to learn:
- how to register your hive
- how to protect your hive from pests and diseases
- about effective monitoring techniques.
You can also watch the Australian biosecurity webinar series for more detail.
Prevent the spread of pests and diseases
The Australian Government monitors cargo ships entering Australian ports for bees and other unwanted insect pests. If you find a swarm in an international airport or seaport, phone 1800 798 636.
The National Bee Pest Surveillance Program monitors locations considered to be most likely entry points of bees throughout Australia.
Notifiable diseases and pests
- Asian honey bee
- Africanised bee
- American foulbrood
- Braula fly
- Bumblebee
- Tracheal mite
- Tropilaelaps mite
- Varroa mite
Braula fly
Braula fly, also known as bee louse (Braula coeca) is not known to be present in Queensland, however beekeepers must report any signs of louse infestation in their hives.
The signs of Braula fly include:
- malnourished queen bees
- reduced viability of the honeycomb
- reduced strength of the bee hive.