Queensland biosecurity zones

A biosecurity zone is a part of Queensland that has legal movement restrictions placed on it to limit the spread of pests and diseases within the state.

Queensland has several biosecurity zones for different pests and diseases. You need to know the boundaries of the zones to know whether you are affected by the zone restrictions.

You can see maps of the biosecurity zones for various pests and diseases by using the links below.

For comprehensive information on biosecurity zones and the restrictions that apply to them, view the Queensland biosecurity manual (PDF, 921KB).

Banana plant pests

The following maps show the biosecurity zones for banana plant pests:

These zones cover the following banana plant pests and diseases:

  • Black Sigatoka
  • Panama disease tropical race 4 (TR4)
  • Banana freckle
  • Banana bunchy top virus
  • Cavendish-competent Panama disease tropical race 1.

Banana growers can also read the Banana industry biosecurity guideline (PDF, 621KB) for practical advice on managing biosecurity risks.

Electric ants

Two areas have been established within the electric ant biosecurity zone—the restricted zone and the lesser restrictions area.

Grape phylloxera

Papaya ringspot

The Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone map (PDF, 768KB) shows the boundaries for:

  • Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 1
  • Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 2.

Red imported fire ant

Sugarcane plant pests

Queensland's commercial sugarcane production regions are located in the following biosecurity zones:

  • Sugarcane biosecurity zone 1: Coen to Townsville
  • Sugarcane biosecurity zone 2: Townsville to Abbot Point
  • Sugarcane biosecurity zone 3: Abbot Point to Rockhampton
  • Sugarcane biosecurity zone 4: Rockhampton to Victoria Point
  • Sugarcane biosecurity zone 5: Victoria Point to New South Wales border
  • Sugarcane biosecurity zone 6: Woodford special.

The Sugar cane biosecurity zone map (PDF, 366KB) shows the boundaries of each of these zones.

Restrictions also apply to moving sugar cane out of the Far Northern biosecurity zones (PDF, 334KB).

Varroa mite

Queensland is now a varroa mite biosecurity zone.