Beekeeping permits for state forests
You need a permit to keep beehives (apiaries) on both plantation and non-plantation lands in state native forests.
Contact the Customer Service Centre to apply for a permit.
Apiary site permits are issued under Section 35 (1) of the Forestry Act 1959.
Site locations
View the apiary site locations online using Queensland Globe:
- Select Add layers.
- Enter 'Forest Products DAF apiary site' in the 'Filter layers by name' field.
Apiary site maps for the South-West Forest Management Area
Barakula area, covering:
- Barakula
- Binkey
- Cadarga
- Condamine
- Coondarra
- Diamondy
- Durah
- Durong
- Fairyland
- Gurulmundi
- Jingi Jingi
- Mahen
- Monogorilby
- Warranna
- Wongongera.
Dunmore area, covering:
- Boonandilla
- Captains Mountain
- Cecil Plains
- Ducklo
- Dunmore
- Killwarra
- Kogan
- Kumbarilla
- Waar Waar
- Weranga
- Wondul.
Inglewood area, covering:
- Boondandilla
- Booroondoo
- Cement Mills
- Chinchilla
- Gore
- Inglewood
- Limevale
- Mt Bodumba
- Mt Domville
- Ula Ula and Kinkora
- Whetstone
- Wondul
- Wyaga
- Yelarbon.
Plantation forests on state-owned land
Permits to operate in a plantation forest on state-owned land are managed by HQPlantations. View the maps of the defined forest area to see where plantation forests are on state-owned land.
Permits are issued under Section 56 of the Forestry Act 1959.
- Last reviewed: 21 Jun 2023
- Last updated: 21 Jun 2023