Greenhouse whitefly

Adult greenhouse whitefly
© R. Lloyd, Queensland Government

Greenhouse whitefly nymph
© R. Lloyd, Queensland Government
Greenhouse whitefly adults are larger than Bemisia tabaci (silverleaf whitefly) but are not considered as serious a pest.
Scientific name
- about 1.5mm long
- hold their white powdery wings flat, almost parallel to and obscuring the body when viewed from above.
- pale yellow-green
- scale-like
- long hairs protruding all over the body
- most nymph stages are immobile.
May be confused with
Distribution and habitat
Widespread; common in horticulture.
Cotton, sunflower, soybean, navy bean.
- Adults and nymphs suck on sap and excrete honeydew which interferes with photosynthesis and discolours the lint in cotton.
- A secondary infection develops when a sooty black mould fungus grows on the sticky honeydew.
- Under very heavy infestations, plants lose vigour causing leaf-wilting and failure to set seed.
Life cycle
The greenhouse whitefly breeds throughout the warm months with a life cycle of about 5–7 weeks. It can have up to 3 generations on a sunflower crop and 7 generations per year. Summer and autumn are risk periods, with outbreaks favoured by warm weather and host availability.
Monitoring and thresholds
- Usually found on the lower leaf surface.
- Affects all crop stages.
Natural enemies
Parasitic wasps (Encarsia formosa and Eretmocerus spp.) usually provide effective biological control.
Predators include small predatory bugs, lacewing larvae and ladybirds.
A management strategy needs to preserve and promote the activity of predators and parasites. Avoid early season use of broad spectrum insecticides, particularly pyrethroids and organophosphates.
Further information
- Greenhouse whitefly—Biological services
- Registered chemicals database—Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)