Physical pest animal control methods
Trapping can be useful when dealing with small pest animal populations or to remove remaining individuals following other control activities. Different types of trapping devices may be used for particular pest animals in certain situations.
Trappers must:
- be highly skilled
- comply with the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
- obtain landowner permission when trapping on private property.
Learn more about trapping wild dogs.
Shooting can also be useful to remove remaining pest animals following other control activities.
Shooters must:
- have a firearms licence and comply with the Weapons Act 1990
- comply with the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
- obtain landowner permission when hunting on private property.
Landowners may use licensed private hunting contractors.
Learn more about humane shooting of wild dogs.
Fencing can provide effective protection from pest animals in a certain, well-defined area, but it requires ongoing maintenance, and pest animal numbers are not reduced.
Orchard netting is the most reliable option to protect fruit crops from damage by flying foxes, birds and some insect pests.
There are 2 large pest barrier fence systems in Queensland:
- A wild dog barrier fence, managed by Biosecurity Queensland, protects sheep grazing areas of southern and south-western Queensland and is supported by a network of local government managed, wild dog check fences.
- A rabbit fence, managed by the Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board, protects agricultural land in south-eastern Queensland.
Harbour destruction
Harbour destruction includes warren ripping, mowing, burning and slashing, and removing debris such as logs, piles of waste timber and car bodies. It is an effective method for preventing the build-up of mice or reducing rabbit numbers. Warren ripping will also reduce the capacity of rabbits to repopulate an area following a baiting program. Equipment including bulldozers, excavators, backhoes and tractor-mounted rippers may be used.
Mustering by motorcycle or horse, with the aid of dogs, can be an effective method to capture herds of feral goats.
Also consider...
- Read the A-Z lists of pest animals, which includes information on how to control particular animal species.
- Learn about animal welfare laws in Queensland.
- Find out about Queensland Police Service weapons licensing.
- Read about animal welfare for wild dogs (PDF, 200KB).
- Learn about rabbit control for landowners in Queensland (PDF, 2.6MB).
- Last reviewed: 29 Mar 2021
- Last updated: 29 Mar 2021