Forms for residential park managers

Park owners must use these forms to comply with the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 and its associated Regulation.

General forms

Form 6 – Notice to remedy breach (PDF, 151KB)
Home owners and park managers use this form to notify that they have broken the site agreement and ask that the problem be fixed.

Form 10 – Information for residential parks
Use this form to give the department prescribed information about your residential park.

Form 11 – Dispute negotiation notice (PDF, 189KB)
Home owners and park managers use this form to start the dispute negotiation process with another party.

Form 12 – General increase notice (PDF, 165KB)
Use this notice to propose a general increase in site rent in accordance with the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003.

Form 13 – Increase in site rent to cover special costs notice (PDF, 184KB)
Use this notice to propose a site rent increase that is necessary to cover a special cost in accordance with part 11, division 3 of the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003.

Form 14 – Utility cost notice (PDF, 170KB)
Use this notice to advise of a change in site rent due to a change in circumstances relating to utility costs.

Application for review of decision (PDF, 208KB)Fair Trading Inspectors Act 2014 (section 74).

Sale and transfer forms

Form 1A – Initial disclosure document (PDF, 130KB)
Information document for prospective residential park home owners.

Form 1B – Supplementary disclosure document (PDF, 188KB)
Information document for prospective residential park home owners.

Form 1C – Precontractual disclosure waiver (PDF, 141KB)
Home owners use this document to notify you of their wish to waive their right of the full disclosure period for entering the site agreement.

Form 2 – Site agreement (PDF, 363KB)
Home owners and park managers use this form to make a site agreement.

Form 7 – Notice of proposed assignment (PDF, 111KB)
Home owners use this form to notify you that they intend to sell a manufactured home and assign their interest in a site agreement to the buyer.

Form 8 – Form of assignment (PDF, 141KB)
Home owners use this form to assign their interest in a site agreement to a person who wants to buy their manufactured home.

Form 9 – Selling authority (PDF, 115KB)
Home owners use this form to appoint you to sell their home in a residential park.

Termination notices

Form 3A – Termination for site agreement by home owner in cooling-off period (PDF, 120KB)
Home owners use this form to terminate a site agreement during the cooling-off period.

Form 3B – Termination notice of assignment agreement in cooling-off period (PDF, 116KB)
Home owners use this form to terminate an assignment agreement during the cooling-off period.

Form 4 – Termination notice - by mutual agreement (PDF, 291KB)
Use this form when there is mutual agreement to end the site agreement.

Form 5 – Termination notice - by home owner (PDF, 175KB)
Home owners use this form to cancel their site agreement.