List of trackable waste in Queensland
You must comply with waste tracking obligations if you generate, transport or receive any of the types of waste or contaminants listed below.
To meet general environmental obligations and duties, you must categorise your waste correctly and use the waste codes below when submitting waste tracking information. These codes are taken from Schedule 2E of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019.
Learn how waste generators, transporters and receivers should submit tracking information.
You can also view a list of exemptions from waste tracking requirements.
Trackable waste and waste codes
Note: If the waste falls under more than 1 category in this list, and the code for 1 of the categories is marked with an asterisk, use the code marked with an asterisk to categorise the waste.
Type of waste
| Waste code |
acidic solutions and acids in solid form | B100 |
animal effluent and residues, including abattoir effluent and poultry and fish processing wastes | K100 |
antimony and antimony compounds | D170 |
arsenic and arsenic compounds | D130 |
asbestos | N220 |
barium compounds, other than barium sulphate | D290 |
basic (alkaline) solutions and bases (alkalis) in solid form | C100 |
beryllium and beryllium compounds | D160 |
boron compounds | D310 |
cadmium and cadmium compounds | D150 |
chemical waste arising from a research and development or teaching activity, including new or unidentified material and material whose effects on human health or the environment are not known | T100 |
chlorates | D350 |
chromium compounds (hexavalent and trivalent) | D140 |
clinical and related waste | R100* |
copper compounds | D190 |
cyanides (inorganic) | A130 |
cyanides (organic) | M210 |
encapsulated, chemically fixed, solidified or polymerised wastes | N160* |
ethers | G100 |
filter cake, other than filter cake waste generated from the treatment of raw water for the supply of drinking water | N190 |
fire debris and fire washwaters | N140* |
fly ash | N150 |
grease trap waste | K110 |
halogenated organic solvents | G150 |
highly odorous organic chemicals, including mercaptans and acrylates | M260 |
inorganic fluorine compounds, other than calcium fluoride | D110 |
inorganic sulfides | D330 |
isocyanate compounds | M220 |
liquid food processing waste | K200 |
lead and lead compounds | D220 |
material containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated napthalenes (PCNs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) | M100 |
mercury and mercury compounds | D120 |
metal carbonyls | D100 |
mineral oils | J100 |
nickel compounds | D210 |
non-toxic salts | D300 |
oil and water mixtures or emulsions, or hydrocarbons and water mixtures or emulsions | J120 |
organic phosphorous compounds | H110 |
organic solvents, other than halogenated solvents | G110 |
organohalogen compounds, other than another substance stated in this schedule | M160 |
perchlorates | D340 |
per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances | M270 |
pharmaceuticals, drugs and medicines | R120* |
phenols and phenol compounds, including chlorophenols | M150 |
phosphorus compounds, other than mineral phosphates | D360 |
polychlorinated dibenzo-furan (any congener) | M170 |
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (any congener) | M180 |
residues from industrial waste treatment or disposal operations | N205 |
selenium and selenium compounds | D240 |
sewage sludge and residues, including nightsoil and septic tank sludge | K130 |
surface active agents (surfactants) containing principally organic constituents, whether or not also containing metals and other inorganic materials | M250 |
tannery wastes, including leather dust, ash, sludges and flours | K140 |
tarry residues arising from refining, distillation or any pyrolytic treatment | J160 |
tellurium and tellurium compounds | D250 |
thallium and thallium compounds | D180 |
triethylamine catalysts for setting foundry sands | M230 |
tyres | T140 |
vanadium compounds | D270 |
waste containing peroxides other than hydrogen peroxide E100 | E100 |
waste from a heat treatment or tempering operation that uses cyanides | A110 |
waste from surface treatment of metals or plastics | A100 |
waste from the manufacture, formulation or use of biocides or phytopharmaceuticals | H100 |
waste from the manufacture, formulation or use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints, lacquers or varnish | F100 |
waste from the manufacture, formulation or use of organic solvents | G160 |
waste from the manufacture, formulation or use of photographic chemicals or processing materials | T120 |
waste from the manufacture, formulation or use of resins, latex, plasticisers, glues or other adhesives | F110 |
waste from the manufacture, formulation or use of wood-preserving chemicals | H170 |
waste from the manufacture or preparation of pharmaceutical products | R140 |
waste of an explosive nature, other than an explosive within the meaning of the Explosives Act 1999 | E120 |
wool-scouring wastes | K190 |
zinc compounds | D230 |
- Last reviewed: 19 Jul 2024
- Last updated: 4 Oct 2019