Your options when employing apprentices and trainees
Before taking on an apprentice or trainee in your business, you'll need to consider how you want to employ them, what you can expect of them and whether they are eligible for an apprenticeship or traineeship. There are different age restrictions for some apprenticeships and traineeships.
You can employ your apprentice or trainee full-time, part-time or while they are still at school. You can hire school leavers, mature age workers or existing workers.
Apprenticeships are usually trade-based roles like carpenters and hairdressers, which typically take 4 years full-time to complete. Traineeships, on the other hand, cover a wider range of roles such as marketing, administration and hospitality. They usually take 1 to 2 years full-time to complete.
This guide outlines the eligibility criteria for apprenticeships and traineeships, their work and training responsibilities as well as your employment options.
- Last reviewed: 22 Apr 2021
- Last updated: 22 Apr 2021