Applying for ICT tendering opportunities

What is ICT?

The Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture (QGEA) defines ICT as:

'ICT products and/or services generally cover all types of technology (data, voice, video, etc.) and associated resources, which relate to the capture, storage, retrieval, transfer, communication or dissemination of information through the use of electronic media. All resources required for the implementation of ICT are encompassed, namely equipment, software, facilities and services, including telecommunications products and services that carry voice and/or data'.

ICT tendering opportunities

You can find Queensland Government tendering opportunities on the QTenders website.

Email us at and we can:

  • help match your capabilities as a supplier to government strategies
  • help you connect with appropriate stakeholders, executives and the vendor management community as a whole
  • provide an overview of contractual frameworks and whole-of-government ICT arrangements.

Early market engagement for the ICT industry

You can get involved in the Queensland Government's early market engagement activities so you can get ready to meet demand as government initiatives and policies change over time.

If you get involved, you can provide feedback on the possible effects of government policy changes on your business. This will help us to make sure our policies deliver the expected results.

Being involved in early market engagement for a specific project gives you a better understanding of agencies’ requirements. This can increase your chances of winning a tender when participating in the tender process.

Email for more information.