Help with effluent disposal using land irrigation
The Model for Effluent Disposal Using Land Irrigation (MEDLI) software is used to simulate how effluent stream is stored, treated and ultimately disposed of, with a particular focus on the water, nitrogen, phosphorus, and soluble salts.
The software has been widely used since 1996 and the recently upgraded version is easy to use.
Effluents and land irrigation
One of the most common uses for sewage treatment plant and agricultural industry (such as abattoirs) effluents is land irrigation.
These effluents, often called wastewater, can contain high levels of nutrients, organic matter, suspended solids, pathogens and other contaminants.
It is important the effluent can be sustainably irrigated to land so it does not impact the land or the surrounding environment and allows crops to be grown on the irrigated area.
Many activities that involve effluent irrigation to land also require an approval under the Environmental Protection Act 1994. These effluent irrigation schemes generally need to be assessed prior to operating.
Benefits of using MEDLI
MEDLI is the tool recommended by the environmental regulator in Queensland to make (or assess) decisions about how to dispose of effluent by land irrigation.
You can use MEDLI to assess the sustainability of effluent irrigation schemes and show possible impacts on the environment.
Contact us
Phone (07) 3170 5603 or email to purchase or get more information about MEDLI.
Also consider...
- Read more about environmental licences and permits.
- Last reviewed: 28 Jun 2024
- Last updated: 27 Jul 2022