Grow Help Australia sample submission form

Please read How to collect, prepare and package samples for analysis and Fees before completing this form.

Ensure you spell your email address accurately. A copy of your submission will be emailed to you (and Grow Help) immediately after submitting the form.

Ensure all required fields are filled, otherwise the form will not be submitted.

If you experience problems filling out this form, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23 for assistance.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.

Contact details
Optional – please do not provide the same email more than once.
Please provide any additional sample identifier, e.g. your business identity code. If this field is left blank we will arbitrarily number your samples. If you provide more than one sample, ensure that each is clearly labelled.
Have you used this service before? * If you are a first time customer, select 'no' and complete the 'first time customer' section that appears below. This includes if you are submitting for the first time with a different business.
Are you submitting this sample on behalf of the grower/owner? * For example, as an agronomist or consultant.
Sample details
Sample type * Tick all that apply
Be as specific and detailed as possible; this will assist in our ability to accurately diagnose the cause of the symptoms. Include how long symptoms have occurred, whether they occur on all varieties the same, if symptoms have correlated with or after certain environmental conditions, etc.
E.g. scattered vs clumped, only with certain varieties or plants under certain growing conditions? Also include patterns on individual plants, e.g. only on old leaves, on leaves facing a particular direction etc.
At what incidence are these symptoms? *
Total square metres or hectares
Include pesticide treatments and fungicides that have been applied within previous 2 weeks and other management actions.
Include treatments that were applied to plants and treatments that were applied prior to planting, e.g. fertiliser, soil fumigation etc.
Prevailing weather conditions Describe the conditions affecting the crop
Heat stress/High sun
Water stress
Recent frost
High wind
Soil type and drainage conditions
Low lying areas
On slope
Stubble or previous crop residues present
Upload a photo that could assist in the diagnosis. Max file size 9MB. Minimum recommended size is 500KB.
How are you sending this sample? * As per the preparing samples instructions.
Please provide any comments that could improve this service. You may also email us at a later date.
Date you are sending the sample *

Privacy statement

The information collected in this form will be primarily used to diagnose any plant health issues affecting the sample. Information will be recorded in secure departmental databases. De-identified information may be given to external laboratories if required. Test results and findings may be provided to authorised staff and used for statistical, surveillance, extension, certification and regulatory purposes in accordance with departmental policies. Personal information will not be otherwise disclosed to third parties without your consent or unless required by law, including in accordance with section 493 of the Biosecurity Act 2014.

The department’s privacy policy and right to information services are publicly available.