Varroa mite surveillance map
This map shows the number of beehive checks where varroa mite (Varroa destructor and Varroa jacobsoni) has been reported as absent or not present through the Bee 123 form.
Varroa destructor is not present in Queensland.
About the map
The data:
- is updated weekly
- comes from beekeepers who report their hive health check using the Bee 123 form
- includes government surveillance results from commercial and recreational apiary sites
- is de-identified and individual addresses are not displayed.
Use the map
Use the map to:
- find suburbs where varroa mite has been reported as absent in beehives
- help make business decisions when planning to move existing hives to new locations.
You can:
- browse the map by clicking, dragging or pinching using your cursor or fingers
- filter by 4-month periods — 4 months, 8 months, 12 months or all time (since July 2022).