Sustainable housing guidelines

Peer review process

The guideline for assessing energy equivalence using the peer review process (PDF, 572KB) is intended to assist clients, designers, council officers, building certifiers, and other interested parties, to understand the peer review process. This process can be used as a compliance option to assess the energy equivalence (thermal performance) of new houses (a class 1 dwelling and their enclosed, attached class 10a garage), and major renovations (where practical) in Queensland.

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The peer review process provides independent peer review of a 'performance solution' (previously referred to as an alternative solution) for the energy equivalence of a house design that may not readily comply with the typical deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) solutions under the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 i.e. either the more prescriptive elemental (deemed-to-satisfy (DTS)) provisions or the use of a house energy rating software tool.

The guideline also provides details about the process for the 'expert judgement' performance solution of the NCC. The 'expert judgement' will be made by a suitably qualified and recognised specialist, referred to in the guideline as the 'expert'.