Partners In Technology (PiT)

PiT provides a forum for Queensland's ICT industry to hear about and understand the Queensland Government's ICT procurement opportunities.

Partners in Technology (PiT) briefings are a forum for Queensland's ICT industry to learn about ICT procurement opportunities for the Queensland Government and non-government organisations.

This forum also provides a networking opportunity to discuss topical subjects and emerging technologies being rolled out by the Queensland Government.


eHealth Queensland ICT Investment Priorities
Queensland Health
Narelle Doss, A/Chief Digital Strategy Officer – eHealth Queensland

Strategic Transformation of Core ICT systems
Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women and Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
Darrin Bond, Assistant Director-General and Chief Information Officer

DESBT ICT Priorities 2019 –2020
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT)
Greg Watts, Chief Information Officer

Business Information Modelling (BIM) Principles and Opportunities
Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
Andrew Curthoys, Director Engagement and Taskforce, Economic and Infrastructure Strategy

  Register now

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Type: Information session
Cost: Free
Venue: The Edge, State Library Queensland, Stanley Place, Cultural Centre, South Bank
Presenter: Andrew Curthoys
10 May 2019 10 May 2019 Partners In Technology (PiT) _ May 10, 2019 8:30 am