How do I register a business name?
Where do I register a business name?
You can register a business name online with the;
- Australian Government Business Registration Service
- or
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
Who can register a business name?
A business name can be registered by:
- a person (e.g. a sole trader)
- a partnership or joint venture
- a company or other incorporated entity
- unincorporated entity, including a trust, superannuation fund or unincorporated body or association
Searching before registering a business name
Before registering a business name you should consider doing a number of searches.
Type of search | Where to search | What to look for |
Business name availability search | Australian Securities and Investments Commission's business names register | This search will show you if the name you want to register is already registered. There may be similar names already registered, and some of these similar names may also come up in the search. You can consider registering an alternative business name if you decide that the similarity is so great that:
Company name search | Australian Securities and Investments Commission's business names register | There is no need to undertake a company name search. A business name availability search will also tell you about company names. |
Trademark search | IP Australia's Australian Trade Marks Online Search System (ATMOSS) | If the name that you want to register is already registered as a trademark, or is similar to an already registered trademark, you can still register your business name. But you need to consider that:
In either case you might consider an alternative business name to register. |
Domain name search | Any domain name registrar | If you intend to register a domain name, there are many advantages to having the same, or similar, business name and domain name. You should check whether your intended domain name, if you want it to correspond with your intended business name, is available. If it is not available, you might need to consider a different business name, or a different domain name. |
- Last reviewed: 29 Sep 2020
- Last updated: 21 Jun 2024