Training plans and records
When you employ an apprentice or trainee, you must be involved in their training, so they can fulfill their 'competency' requirements for completing their chosen qualification.
Two documents are used to manage your apprentice's or trainee's training progress:
- the training plan
- the training record.
The training plan specifies what training and assessment will be delivered during their apprenticeship or traineeship. Your registered training organisation (RTO) helps you and your apprentice or trainee develop and maintain it. You must deliver any workplace tasks listed in the training plan.
The training record records evidence of your apprentice's or trainee's progress. You are responsible for signing off each workplace skill or 'competency' once it can be demonstrated.
This guide outlines your specific obligations regarding the training plan and the training record. This includes dates and processes for making changes to these documents.
- Last reviewed: 22 Apr 2021
- Last updated: 22 Apr 2021