Type B gas devices

A type B gas device is any gas device that is not a gas device (type A). This includes devices (appliances) that use fuel gas to produce heat, light or power, for example:

  • industrial and commercial appliances
  • fuel cell gas systems
  • refrigeration devices
  • a fuel gas system for the propulsion of a vehicle or vessel.

All gas devices must be approved (certified) before installation or use by the Chief Inspector, Petroleum and Gas, the holder of a gas device approval authority or (in the case of a fuel gas system) the holder of a gas work authorisation.

The approval process for industrial and commercial appliances and fuel cell gas system requires the development of a document to demonstrate compliance with the legislative requirements. This is commonly referred to as a 'technical submission'.

Two guidance documents have been developed to assist with understanding the technical content and format of information required for assessment and approval of these type B gas devices in Queensland:

Where a type B gas device is being supplied prior to approval, the supplier must provide the Queensland type B gas device approval notice (PDF, 570KB) to the new owner of the device advising of the approval requirements.

How to get a type B device approved

Follow this process to get an industrial type B device approved:

  • engage the holder of an appropriate gas work authority (details of installer and commissioning person are required for assessment and approval process)
  • develop a technical submission
  • submit the technical submission to 1 of the type B gas device approval authorities listed in the public register below whose scope includes the relevant device type
  • if compliance is demonstrated in the technical submission, the gas device approval authority will issue a type B gas device approval certificate
  • once the certificate has been received, the gas work authority holder can complete the installation and commissioning of the device in compliance with the relevant safety requirements and the technical submission.

Note: If the gas work is undertaken at an operating plant, the process for device approval applies, however the gas work (installing and commissioning the device) may be undertaken under the safety management system (SMS) for the plant where:

  • the work is carried out under the safety management system, other than a generic SMS
  • the person(s) carrying out the work has been assessed as competent to carry out the work under the SMS.

Gas devices that use a hydrocarbon refrigerant are defined as a gas device (type B). Further information is provided in the Inspectorates guideline.

Additional certification requirements for hydrocarbon refrigeration devices

Certification documentation must comply with the relevant ISO or AS/NZS Standards applicable to the device being submitted for approval.

The appropriate process for mass-produced or multiple appliances is through a type test certification scheme administered by a JAS-ANZ accredited Conformity Assessment Body. Reports from other accredited laboratories certified to assess against the relevant ISO/AS/NZS Standards may be acceptable at the discretion of the Chief Inspector Petroleum and Gas or his delegate.

Certification documents issued by certifying bodies to Underwriter Laboratories (UL) or European Standards (EN) or other country Standards will need to be reassessed/remapped and reissued as a report under the relevant ISO/AS/NZS Standard by an accredited certifying body.

Note: Approvals granted through this process are nationally recognised throughout Australia, New Zealand and, in some cases, internationally.

To get a hydrocarbon refrigerant gas device approved, the manufacturer or owner should either:

For the purpose of a gas fuel system for the propulsion of a vehicle or vessel the chief inspector approves the installation and use of a gas fuel system, where the gas fuel system:

  • components comply with the relevant safety requirement(s)
  • is installed by an authorised certifier—holder of a gas work authorisation (motor fuel)
  • is certified by the authorised certifier as compliant in the approved form (PGA101/102)
  • the gas work is conducted at a place that complies with the relevant safety requirement(s).

Gas device approval authorities type B—public register

The following bodies have been approved by the chief inspector as able to approve the supply, installation, or use of industrial type B gas devices.

Note: For a breakdown of the Queensland classes of type B devices (industrial appliances), view Table 4.3 of the Gas device approval authority requirements (PDF, 1.1MB)

Gas device approval authorities (type B)

fuel gas used by way of electro-chemical reaction

Body nameContactScope/restriction
Hazardous Area Specialists Kayne Herriman
0403 568 740
Stationary fuel cell gas system
Mobile fuel cell gas system
IntertekRalph Schelling
07 3212 5800 or
0401 129 975
Stationary fuel cell gas system
Mobile fuel cell gas system
Kandls Engineering Pty Ltd Kevin Peakman
0423 686 033
Stationary fuel cell gas system
Mobile fuel cell gas system

Gas device approval authorities (type B)

fuel gas used by way of combustion or feedstock

Body nameContactScope/restriction
Air and Gas Industries Steve Graham
07 3271 5899
Andrew Lees Andrew Lees
0480 343 094
Stationary Reciprocating Engines
Gas Fuel System for a vehicle or vessel
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1)
Australian Gas and Combustion Justin Giles
0439 684 367
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3)
BIZENERGY Pty Ltd Darrel Vecchio
Ian Helsdon
0418 884 901
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3, C4)
Class M
Combustion Technique Pty Ltd Peter Burdon
0411 328 577
Complete Gas Services Ray Smith
07 3398 8935
Class S (S4) water heating devices (atmospheric burners)
Gas Advisory Services Wayne Braden
0407 009 148
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3)
GasOps Qld Matt Carr
0404 501 325
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3)
Gas Power Industries Qld Kim Kempton
0418 183 057
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3)
Class C4 limited to gas reciprocating and turbine engines
Gastrain Pty Ltd Vincent Monsigneur
0407 774 352
Gilmour Space Technologies Pty Ltd Gilmour Space No public approvals—limited to approval of bi-propellant rocket motor methane/oxygen ignition burner for installation and use
Glenergy Services Glen Watt
0425 716 538
Hyde Combustion Pty Ltd Jefferson Hyde
07 3390 7979
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3, C4)
Jeffrey Jones Jeff Jones
0458 348 338
Limited to Class S (S3) hot water systems, pottery kilns, prawn cookers, coffee roasters and similar mass produced gas devices
Hazardous Area Specialists Kayne Herriman
0403 568 740
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1)
Kurt Lewis Kurt Lewis
0408 394 994
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3, C4)
Michael Papantoniou Michael Papantoniou
0413 193 101
All Type B devices Class C (C1)
Stationary Engines—reciprocating or turbine
Class C (C3)
Risk and Energy Services Pty Ltd Peter Harris
CP Eng MIE Aust
0407 747 494
Class VS
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3, C4)
Rocktel Pty Ltd Rockie Whitbread
07 5476 9337
Class VS
Class C (C1, C2, C3)
Santos Limited David Lepelaar Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)
Class C (C1, C2, C3)
Tamar Gas Stephen Wright
0428 381 803
Vinke Enterprises Pty Ltd Eberhard Vinke
0419 671 504
Class S (S1, S2, S3, S4)

Gas device approval authorities (type B2) refrigeration devices

Body nameContactScope/restriction
AAPT Group Lindsay Pelser
0412 526 372
HC1 <1500 grams
HC2 >1500 grams
Hazardous Area Specialists Kayne Herriman
0403 568 740
HC1 <1500 grams
HC2 >1500 grams
Ben Adamson Redynamics
0419 802 719
HC1 <1500 grams
HC2 >1500 grams
Mike NasserMike Nasser
0414 397 978
HC1 <1500 grams
HC2 >1500 grams

How to apply for a gas device approval authority (type B)

To apply for a gas device approval authority (GDAA) type B, a person must have the appropriate qualifications and experience to perform approval work under the authority. Read the Gas device approval authority requirements (PDF, 1.1MB) to identify the qualifications and experience required.

Applications must be made to the Chief Inspector, Petroleum and Gas.

Before applying:

To request type B gas device approval certificates, contact the Licensing and Authorisation Unit.