Investing in Queensland's food and agribusiness industry
Queensland's food and agribusiness sectors are world-renowned for producing high-quality, safe, clean and green food at competitive prices. Many Australian and international food companies have established processing facilities in Queensland to take advantage of the range and quality of local produce, and the proximity to Asia-Pacific markets.
Queensland's thriving food and agribusiness industry:
- grows one-third of Australia's primary produce
- is the second most important export commodity earner
- contributes more than $16.8 billion to the state economy.
Queensland's food and agribusiness industry processes and manufactures many different food-related products, characterised by 2 categories:
- Food processing and manufacturing
- fruit and vegetables
- value-added products such as ingredients and ready-to-eat meals
- dairy foods
- dessert and confectioneries
- beverages
- Meat and meat producing manufacturing
- meats including fresh seafood.
This guide explains the benefits of investing in Queensland's food and agribusiness industry.
- Last reviewed: 28 Jun 2013
- Last updated: 11 Jun 2020