Aquaculture industry plans

Have your say on the Queensland Aquaculture Strategy 2024–2034 consultation paper. Submissions close Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Industry plans have been developed to help you:

  • understand your legal obligations
  • find pre-assessed farming locations.

Great Sandy Marine regional marine aquaculture plan

The Great Sandy regional marine aquaculture plan identifies suitable sites for non-intensive marine aquaculture development within the Great Sandy Marine Park.

These management controls provide clear rules for:

  • approval of future aquaculture activities
  • conditions under which aquaculture farms can operate
  • infrastructure design specifications
  • an environmental bond requirement
  • environmental monitoring programs
  • general biosecurity measures.

Streamlined approvals

Under a federal conservation agreement and marine parks accreditation, the plan provides pre-approval for certain activities, streamlining the development process for investors and aquaculture farmers.

The implementation guide explains the pre-approval assessment criteria and conditions.

If your development complies with these requirements, you do not need a separate:

  • approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
  • marine parks permit.

Suitable sites

In line with the marine park provisions, the plan identifies the most appropriate sites for certain marine production systems.

Surface lines

  • Double Island Point
  • Wide Bay Harbour
  • Moon Point
  • Pearl Bank
  • Burnett

Sea ranching (not sea cages)

  • Big Woody Island
  • Inskip Point

Subsurface lines

  • Wide Bay Bar
  • Coongul Point


  • Tinnanbar

See the map of aquaculture site locations for more detail.

Oyster industry plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park

The oyster industry plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park was developed to:

  • outline the benefits of investing in the commercial oyster industry
  • promote ecologically sustainable operations within the marine park
  • advise how production should be managed in the park
  • guide safe placement of oyster furniture, equipment storage, structures and moorings.