Structural adjustment payments for commercial fishers

Eligible commercial licence holders, skippers and crew, and supply chain businesses can apply for payments if they are affected by the:

The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) assesses applications and administers payments.

Stage 1 payments

Applications now closed

Stage 2 payments

Applications extended to 31 July 2024

Gulf of Carpentaria licence and N3 symbol buyback

Fishers with an N3 symbol on their primary commercial fishing licence can apply for a payment to:

  • surrender their licence completely
  • or
  • surrender their N3 symbol.

If you wish to surrender other symbols (e.g. N11), you can also apply under the Round 2 licence and symbol buyback.

Gulf of Carpentaria gillnet-free areas loss of income payments

Fishers can apply for loss of income payments if they have:

  • an N3 or N11 symbol on their licence
  • and
  • relevant catch history in one or more of the new gillnet-free areas in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Great Sandy Marine Park marine aquarium fishery loss of income payments

Fishers an apply for loss of income payments if they have an A1 or A2 symbol on their licence (affected by the Great Sandy Marine Park rezoning and changed management arrangements).

Hammerhead shark loss of income payments

Fishers can apply for the loss of income payment if they:

  • have hammerhead shark catch history on the east coast under relevant fishery symbols
  • and
  • are not eligible for any other loss of income payments.

Skipper and crew support payments

Skippers and crew can apply for support payments if they were employed to fish at sea for at least 20 days by licence holders affected by the:

Stage 3 payments

Applications close 30 January 2025

Supply chain business grants

Supply chain businesses can apply for grants if they have lost 75% or more of their business turnover due to:

  • phase-out of gillnets on the Great Barrier Reef
  • changes to the Great Sandy Marine Park zoning plan.

Gillnet buyback

Fishers can apply for a payment to surrender useable gillnets if they:

  • had retired N1, N2 or N4 symbols on their primary commercial fishing licence, or
  • surrendered their licence or N3 symbol in the Gulf.

Fishers whose gillnets are not in useable condition can also register to surrender their nets, which will be disposed of for free.

Gillnet reel boat refit grants

Fishers can apply for a grant to refit gillnet reel boats if they:

  • had retired N1, N2 or N4 symbols on their primary commercial fishing licence, or
  • surrendered their licence or N3 symbol in the Gulf.

Financial counselling

Free and confidential financial counselling services are available if you:

  • need help with your application
  • want to talk to someone about your business.

Contact the Rural Financial Counselling Service:

Other grants and support