Repairing or replacing pumping equipment lost or damaged by flood
Stock and domestic pumps
If you own land adjoining a watercourse, lake or spring, you can take water for domestic and stock purposes without a water entitlement.
Pumps that take water for these purposes are considered 'accepted development – without requirements' or 'exempt development' under state planning laws.
No permits are required to replace or repair these pumps if they are damaged by floodwater.
Replacing or repairing other pumps
If you own land in a declared disaster area, you can replace an authorised pump damaged or lost due to flooding with an identical one at the same location without applying for a development permit. Unauthorised pumps cannot be replaced.
You may need a development permit before starting work to install a pump capable of a greater maximum rate, or a like-for-like pump in a new location. Contact your local business centre for more information.
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- Last reviewed: 1 Jul 2022
- Last updated: 25 Jul 2022