Mustering or travelling stock permits for protected areas
You are legally required to apply for a permit to muster or travel stock in national parks, state forests or other protected areas managed by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS).
Examples of when you'll need a permit
Moving stock on national parks and other protected areas includes:
- mustering your own cattle from the protected area
- travelling stock from one place to another through a protected area.
Permit duration
A permit can be granted for a maximum of:
- 1 year for mustering
- 30 days for travelling.
Before you apply
Contact us
Contact us or email to discuss your proposed activity with QPWS regional staff before you lodge your application.
Collect supporting information
You'll need to provide the following information with your application:
- a description of the protected areas, or parts of protected areas, in which you intend to muster or travel stock
- a map showing the relevant locations and travel route
- the dates you intend to be on the nominated area and the duration of the permit
- a statement that explains
- why the stock are in the protected area (for permits to muster stock)
- why alternative routes of travel not practical or possible (for permits to travel stock)
- what steps you will take to ensure public safety and avoid impacts on visitors.
Take out insurance and indemnity
You will not be issued with a mustering or travelling stock permit unless you have the following insurance cover for the whole time the permit is granted:
- a standard $20 million public liability insurance is required to cover any event resulting in the death or injury of persons, or loss or damage to property
- any other QPWS insurance and indemnity requirements, depending on the type of activity you are proposing.
Calculate fees
There are no permit fees for mustering or travelling stock in national parks or regional parks.
Learn more about fees for mustering or travelling stock in state forest or forest reserves.
Lodging your application form
You can download an application form to apply for a permit to muster or travel stock in a protected area (DOCX, 179KB).
Application processing time
You must be issued with a permit before you can begin your stock movement.
Assessment of your permit application can take up to 40 business days. If we need to ask you for more information, it may take an additional 20 business days to process your application.
Renewing your permit
Mustering permits cannot be renewed or extended. You will need to apply for a new permit.
Cancelling or updating your permit
To cancel your permit, or to update your permit details, contact us or email
Laws regulating mustering or travelling of stock on national parks
Mustering or travelling of stock is authorised on different land tenure through the following legislation:
- Nature Conservation Act 1992 – national park and other protected areas
- Forestry Act 1959 - state forest and forest reserves
- Recreation Areas Management Act 2006.
Also consider...
- Learn about livestock standstills.
- Last reviewed: 19 Jul 2022
- Last updated: 14 Nov 2022