Agricultural extension work practices and training of veterinary science, veterinary nursing and animal technology students
Under clause 4.17 of the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (known as the scientific use code), animal ethics committee (AEC) approval is not required for the training and application of agricultural extension work practices or the training of students in veterinary science, veterinary nursing or animal technology to achieve competency based outcomes in routine procedures, provided all of the following apply:
- the animals are at their home property or a premises licensed by a state or territory Veterinary Surgeons Board
- the procedures would occur normally as part of routine management or veterinary clinical management of the animal
- the animals are not subjected to anything additional to routine management or veterinary clinical management of the animal
- the teacher is competent to carry out the procedure.
The aim of clause 4.17 of the scientific use code is to reduce the administrative burden to support the demonstration of routine procedures to students, or groups of producers, by registered veterinary surgeons and competent teachers or stockpersons.
If you believe that your activities fall within the scope of clause 4.17, then you should submit the proposal to your AEC to ensure that AEC approval is not required (the AEC should decide whether it requires approval or not). If any one of these criteria will not be met, then AEC approval is required.
- Last reviewed: 12 Sep 2016
- Last updated: 12 Sep 2016