Intellectual property advice and support

Many professional organisations can provide advice and information on IP. It is important to understand what advice you require, and to find out who can best provide that advice.

Australian Centre for IP in Agriculture (ACIPA)

The Australian Centre for IP in Agriculture (ACIPA) provides a user-friendly PBRs fact sheet (PDF, 292KB) that explains the Plant Breeder's Rights Act to a range of different stakeholders.

Australian Copyright Council

The Australian Copyright Council is a non-profit organisation, partly funded by the Australia Council for the Arts. It supports a creative Australia through providing information and advice on copyright.

Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth)

The Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) protects rights of creators of original literary, musical and artistic works under Australian law.

Copyright Agency

The Copyright Agency is a non-profit rights management organisation for creators.

Department of the Attorney-General – Australian Government

The copyright function is with the Australian Government's Attorney-General's Department and copyright information is provided on that website.

Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys of Australia

The Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys of Australia is a representative body for Australian patent and trademark attorneys. This site provides the latest news and resource information about patent and trademark law in Australia.

Intellectual property info kit

The intellectual property info kit is a Queensland Government searchable, detailed guide to commercialising your IP and common terms used. The material in the intellectual property info kit is provided as an information source only and should not be relied upon as legal advice.

IP Australia

IP Australia is the Australian Government agency that administers IP rights and legislation, including:

Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cwlth)

The Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cwlth) provides for the granting of proprietary rights to breeders of certain new varieties of plants and fungi.

The Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Board

A directory of registered attorneys is published by the Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Board – a group that administers the patent attorney professions in Australia and New Zealand and the trademarks profession in Australia.