Emergency alerts, warnings and contacts

For life or property threatening events, phone Triple Zero (000).

The following list contains important alerts, warnings and emergency contact information for your business to use before, during and after a natural disaster.

Alerts and warnings

Bookmark or sign up to the alerts you're most likely to experience, so you are prepared if a severe weather event occurs.

Queensland disaster and emergency alerts

Find current Queensland disaster and alert information.

Weather warnings

Queensland weather warnings

Read the latest weather warnings and updates at the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).

Current tropical cyclone warnings

Visit the BOM for current tropical cyclone warnings.

Flood warning summary

Visit the BOM for the latest flood warning summary.

Australian Tsunami Warning Centre

Visit the joint BOM and Australian Tsunami Warning Centre for the latest tsunami warning information or phone 1300 TSUNAMI (1300 878 6264).

Drought information

Visit the BOM for information about current drought areas and the Drought Knowledge Centre.

Bushfire alerts and information

Find alerts and information about bushfires from the Queensland Fire Department.

Current bushfire map

View a current bushfire map from the Rural Fire Service.

Road conditions

Visit QLDTraffic for the latest road conditions and closures or phone 13 19 40 for statewide road conditions.

Find your local council

Visit your local council website for the latest information and directions relating to a natural disaster in your area.

Use your local government's disaster dashboard for information about evacuation centres, road conditions and closures, river heights, phone/phone outages and helpful contacts.

Get Ready Queensland

Find out more about how to prepare for extreme weather and natural disasters.

Social media and radio

Stay connected and informed by following Queensland's emergency services and tuning in to your local ABC or commercial radio station for warnings and advice:

Emergency contacts

Police, fire and ambulance


ONE ZERO SIX (106) through your telephone typewriter (TTY)

  • Emergency Plus app – download the app to phone Triple Zero (000) and send your GPS location in an emergency
download on Google Play or Apple App Store
131 444

State Emergency Service (SES) for flood and storm emergency assistance, for example:

  • a damaged roof
  • rising flood water
  • fallen trees on buildings
  • storm damage.

132 500

Biosecurity Queensland – for stranded livestock 13 25 23

Energex (South East Queensland residents)

13 19 62 (dangerous situations or fallen power lines)

13 62 62 (loss of supply)

Ergon Energy (all other Queensland residents)

13 16 70 (dangerous situations and downed power lines)

13 22 96 (loss of supply)

Interpreting services 1800 512 451
Lifeline13 11 14
Marine Rescue Queensland 1800 073 7283
National Relay Service 13 36 77
Poisons Information Centre helpline – 24 hours, 7 days a week (contact Triple Zero (000) for all life threatening events) 13 11 26
Queensland Health – 13HEALTH (non urgent health advice) 13 43 25 84
Road traffic and travel information13 19 40
RSPCA Queensland 24/7 – animal emergencies 1300 264 625
Tsunami warning 1300 878 6264
Weather services telephone directory for Queensland 1300 934 034