Projects funded under the Natural Resources Recovery Program

Since 2022, the Queensland Government has allocated more than $38 million in grant funding to Queensland-based not-for-profit organisations under the Natural Resources Recovery Program (NRRP).

Funding has been awarded to projects that support:

  • improved landscape resilience and ability to respond to natural disasters and climate change
  • stakeholder adoption of sustainable practice management and drive regional economies
  • improved monitoring and evaluation to understand the state of natural resources.

The Natural Resources Recovery Program has successfully delivered, and continues to deliver, the following rounds of funding:

  • Round 1 (2022-2024), awarded more than $13 million in funding to 25 projects.
  • Round 2 (2023-2024), awarded more than $1 million in funding to 7 projects.
  • Round 3 (2024-2028) awarded close to $24 million in funding to 19 projects.

Current projects funded under round 3 (2024–2028)


Burnett Catchment Care Association

The Sustainable Landscapes across the Inland Burnett project will:

  • improve 8,000 hectares of land condition by working with local producers to improve land management practices
  • undertake erosion rehabilitation works to improve land condition
  • improve the condition of riparian native vegetation across 50 hectares by managing livestock access
  • undertake capacity building events to improve knowledge and skills of at least 60 landholders on improved grazing land management

Cape York NRM

The Maintaining and improving monitoring and evaluation in Cape York Peninsula project will undertake legacy monitoring using the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB) to inform future natural resource management priorities in the region

Desert Channels Queensland

The Greening the Outback 2—Native grassland vegetation restoration project will:

  • restore 6,000 hectares of degraded rangelands by re-establishing perennial native grasses through activities including soil ripping, fencing and native grass seeding
  • collaborate with at least 20 landholders in the delivery of improved native grassland ground cover

Fitzroy Basin Association

The Fitzroy Regional Co-ordination and Evaluation project will:

  • maintain staff skills in monitoring and evaluation tools including the State-wide Indicators Framework (SWIF) (PDF, 770KB)
  • train 20 extension staff in the use of SWIF tools
  • analyse existing multi-sensor monitoring station data to inform effectiveness of increased native woody vegetation in an agricultural setting

Greening Australia

The Mulgrave Catchment—Riparian Restoration Recovery project will:

  • stabilise eroding riverbanks and riparian areas in the Mulgrave Catchment through soft engineering, rock stabilisation and revegetation works
  • consult, collaborate and work with Traditional Owner groups in the delivery of the project
  • undertake numerous community engagement activities including 8 community tree planting days

Healthy Land and Water

The Building resilient grazing landscapes and native vegetation communities in SEQ project will:

  • improve over 7,500 hectares of land condition and native vegetation that will contribute to well functioning, resilient landscapes by enhancing community capacity for on-going management actions
  • deliver a targeted engagement and capacity building program to improve knowledge and skills of more than 300 landholders in sustainable and regenerative land management practices

Healthy Land and Water

The Resilient and Collaborative Community and Traditional Owner Partnerships for natural resource management capacity in SEQ project will:

  • build knowledge and capacity of members of Landcare, environmental groups, councils and Traditional Owners, across South East Queensland
  • provide opportunities for Traditional Owners to lead or collaborate in natural resource management activities including those that serve to protect and manage remnant cultural landscapes

Macintyre Ag Alliance

The Cultivating Thriving Landscape through Cultural and Regenerative Practice Change project will:

  • facilitate 13 field days to deliver practical information and demonstrate regenerative practices specific to the area
  • facilitate individual consultations with industry experts to more than 20 landholders as they commence or continue with practice change, building their confidence and ensuring successful adoption

Mitchell and District Landcare Association

The Relationship of Land Condition, Climate Variability and Soil Carbon—Maranoa River Catchment Area project will:

  • evaluate and measure changes to land condition, soil characteristics and soil carbon levels over various land systems within the Maranoa River catchment area
  • encourage long-term practice change through the collection and analysis of data from 150 properties
  • train at least 10 Traditional Owners in land condition assessments

Noosa and District Landcare Group Inc.

The Keeping it in Kin Kin—Improving landscape resilience of the Noosa River Catchment project will:

  • improve soil condition and stability across 150 hectares and stabilise at least 10 gullies
  • remediate more than 8 hectares of native rainforest, through targeted control of Cats Claw Creeper Vine and revegetation works
  • deliver targeted workshops / field days to build capacity and encourage active engagement with 40 participants

North Queensland Dry Tropics

The Building natural resource management monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI) capacity at the organisational, regional and state levels project will:

  • provide at least 8 Traditional Owners or Indigenous Rangers with training and support to monitor NRM projects
  • undertake legacy monitoring using the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB) to inform future NRM priorities in the region
  • deliver 3 capacity building workshops on monitoring and evaluation

Queensland Regional Natural Resource Management Groups Collective

The Capturing, Collating and Communicating the achievements of NRRP project will:

  • build on the previous NRRP State-wide Indicators Framework (SWIF) (PDF, 770KB) project, by continuing to deliver consistent, accurate and timely statewide reporting and communications of NRRP achievements
  • provide capacity building and technical support to project delivery staff of project delivery entities in the use of the SWIF tools and systems

Queensland Water and Land Carers

The Supporting Qld Volunteer Landcarers for Landscape Recovery and Resilience project (2024-2027) will:

  • continue essential insurance coverage for volunteers within landcare and similar groups across Queensland that manage natural resources
  • increase membership to increase capacity in natural resource management (NRM) volunteer groups
  • support advocacy and networking to contribute to NRM capacity and outcomes
  • support member groups to manage and build capacity

Reef Catchments

The Retaining and building GIS, Data Management and Monitoring and Evaluation capacity within Reef Catchments project will:

  • embed the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB) into projects and programs to improve consistency and efficiency across the organisation
  • undertake training with key stakeholders to ensure NRM skills and knowledge are put into practice and maintained

Southern Gulf NRM

The RCE 2024-28—Building capacity for regional coordination and evaluation in the Southern Gulf region project will:

  • maintain staff skills in monitoring and evaluation tools including the State-wide Indicators Framework (SWIF) (PDF, 770KB)
  • produce 4 regional report cards based on land condition to help educate landholders on the value of monitoring and the status of the region's natural assets

Southern Gulf NRM

The Improving land condition to increase resilience to climate extremes in the Southern Gulf region project will:

  • work with land managers to implement on-ground land management practice changes across 100,000 hectares
  • build regional-specific knowledge database that will support future natural resource management decision-making

Southern Queensland Landscapes

The Fire and Water: A Dual Approach to restoring the landscapes of southern QLD project will:

  • improve land condition across 300,000 hectares in the Bulloo, Warrego, Maranoa and Balonne priority areas through land management practices to improve ground cover
  • engage 4 Traditional Owner groups to co-design and lead/participate in activities that contribute to recovery of landscape condition
  • deliver 8 capacity building events to land managers to enhance skills and knowledge in land condition works

Southern Queensland Landscapes

The Growing Knowledge of Land Condition and Environmental Standards in Southern Queensland project will:

  • maintain staff skills in monitoring and evaluation tools including the State-wide Indicators Framework (SWIF) (PDF, 770KB)
  • develop case studies / communication items to empower land managers, validate program success, and enhance the understanding of environmental standards

Terrain NRM

The Increasing monitoring and First Nations natural resource management capacity in the Wet Tropics project will:

  • maintain relevant monitoring and evaluation tools including the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB)
  • advise and support 4 Traditional Owner groups in the Wet Tropics region to identify and design at least 4 projects that align with their aspirations and the Wet Tropics Plan for People and Country (NRM Plan) priorities

Previous projects

Burnett Catchment Care Association Inc.

The Resilient Landscapes in the Upper Burnett project provided extension activities and on-ground support to local producers in the Upper Burnett region to address the chronic degradation of land and soil health and to improve landscape resilience.

Cape York NRM

The Supporting Cape York landholders to manage woody thickening using integrated fire regimes project:

  • addressed woody thickening by developing a best practice guide in consultation with Cape York landholders, Traditional Owners and stakeholders
  • provided practical guidance for landholders to develop and implement fire regimes that integrated cultural burning, grazing, ecological and carbon farming outcomes.

Desert Channels Queensland

The Greening the Outback project improved landscape condition, resilience and rehabilitate existing scalds. The method increased infiltration and promoted improvements in groundcover and land condition in degraded areas by enhancing the ability of native pasture to establish in grassland areas by slowing the movement of water.

Noosa and District Landcare Group Inc.

The Improving Landscape and Disaster Resilience of Kin Kin Catchment—Keeping it in Kin Kin project:

  • addressed the key threat of soil condition decline, loss and sediment movement by riparian erosion, gully erosion and land slips
  • undertook on-ground remediation works of unstable sites, improved pasture management and soil health on farms and protection and treatment of invasive transformer vine weeds in the riparian rainforest community.

Queensland Trust for Nature

The Franklin Vale Creek Catchment Enhancement project:

  • extended ongoing work around the Franklin Cale Creek Catchment area involving the management of invasive weeds and the revegetation of native species
  • further enhanced waterway resilience through improved water quality, climate resilience, flood mitigation, and aquatic and terrestrial fauna habitat.

Reef Catchments

The Fostering 3 Holistic Farm Management peer-to-peer hubs in the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac region project increased awareness and implementation of land management practices to improve and protect the condition of soil, biodiversity, and vegetation on properties within the Mackay Whitsunday Isaac regions.

Barron River Catchment Management Association

The Building resilience of threatened species and communities project:

  • delivered 38 regional events to increase knowledge and activities in reforestation along waterways
  • implemented threat mitigation activities across 3 hectares to improve revegetation areas and Mabi remnant areas
  • increased Mabi forest extent by 5 hectares through revegetation to increase canopy coverage and distance between Mabi fragment areas.

Cape York NRM

The Improving and embedding monitoring and evaluation in the Cape York Peninsula region project:

  • supported key stakeholders to improve capacity to undertake social monitoring use of the State-Wide Indicators Framework (SWIF) (PDF, 770KB) tools
  • developed a bridging tool that allows landholders without access to geographic information system (GIS) licences to record and submit data that can be checked for quality and accuracy
  • provided training and support to Traditional Owners and other land managers on the SWIF bridging tool.

The Landscape resilience project: building climate change resilience across Cape York Peninsula project:

  • undertook gap analysis assessment to identify areas to increase capacity of landholders
  • developed and delivered on-ground practice change activities with land managers, including installing new watering points and fencing to reduce grazing pressure, and improve native vegetation condition via threat mitigation activities and riparian fencing with landholders.

Dawson Catchment Coordinating Association

The Lower Dawson catchment remediation and prevention project:

  • captured data to monitor and evaluate natural assets and identify local practices achieving positive results for the health of the Dawson Catchment
  • engaged and educated 40 producers on practices to increase skills and knowledge to drive sustainable economic productivity
  • improved land condition in the Dawson Catchment across 2,000 hectares through land managers implementing land condition threat mitigation activities.

Desert Channels Queensland

The Development of cost-effective legacy project report cards project:

  • provided new knowledge and understanding of natural resource assets
  • linked innovation with new insights gained into effective land management practices
  • monitored post-project scale outcomes and allow landholders to self-assess outcomes (threat mitigation and bare ground cover monitoring).

The Protection of vegetation Communities at re-emerging GAB (Great Artesian Basin) springs project:

  • undertook threat mitigation activities and control the impacts of domestic stock on emergent artesian springs
  • improved the condition of native vegetation and ensure insights gained are implemented in effective land management practices
  • fostered collaboration between landholders, scientists, government and Traditional Owners.

Desert Uplands Build-up and Development Strategy Committee

The EcoGrazen excellence project:

  • delivered field days to share knowledge and improve linkages to gain efficiencies to deliver projects
  • established monitoring sites with landholders to contribute to the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB) data set to enable new insights and long-term outcome monitoring
  • conducted property planning workshops with landholders.

Fitzroy Basin Association

The Fitzroy regional coordination and evaluation project:

  • focused on developing Fitzroy Basin Association Monitoring Evaluation Reporting and Improvement for all funded and future programs to align with and provide statewide consistency of project monitoring and evaluation
  • increased data-driven knowledge to improve understanding of the state of natural resources.

The Promoting native trees in Agricultural landscapes for biodiversity and landscape resilience project:

  • worked with land managers to revegetate 30 hectares of cleared agricultural land across four priority locations
  • facilitated discussions between First Nations and land managers to broaden community understanding of the cultural importance of native trees for Traditional Owners
  • developed a spatial model of priority locations for revegetation within the Fitzroy NRM region, to guide FBA's future revegetation efforts over the long term.

Gulf Savannah NRM

The Innovative data collection to support informed decision making for NRM stakeholders project:

  • leveraged local community knowledge of natural resource management issues to inform decision making by interviewing land managers and community members on land management practices, land condition, biodiversity trends and community concerns
  • conducted webinars addressing key topics of interest from surveys.

The Innovative monitoring and evaluation for improved land condition and emerging market access project:

  • revisited 250 sites previously monitored for land condition and undertake photo monitoring and assessment by trained land condition assessors
  • upskilled land managers on monitoring activities enabling them to engage with emerging markets such as Biodiversity Stewardship Payments and other environmental markets.

Healthy Land and Water

The Building community and Traditional Owner NRM capacity in SEQ project:

  • delivered training sessions to improve natural resource management focusing on land restoration, vegetation management, fire management, and threat mitigation activities
  • supported for cultural heritage projects that build the land management capacity of First Nations People in South East Queensland.

The Improving condition, landscape resilience through increased adoption of sustainable practices in SEQ project:

  • undertook workshops, field days and property visits with land managers to improve land condition and soil health
  • improved native vegetation condition and riparian restoration through threat mitigation.

Macintyre Ag Alliance

The project Connect, learn, do: Building landholder capacity through cultural and regenerative knowledge and skills delivered workshops in collaboration with Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation and Queensland Murray Darling Catchments Limited to increase land managers' awareness and capacity to use regenerative, sustainable and cultural land management practices.

Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee

The Improving grazing land management systems for the broader SEQ project engaged and educate grazing land managers to improve adoption of best-practice land management.

North Queensland Dry Tropics

The Building MERI and SWIF capacity at the organisational, regional and state levels project supported staff, stakeholders and Traditional Owners to undertake social monitoring, apply the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB) and methodologies, and continue the development of the Soil Condition Assessment Tool for monitoring of soil condition.

The Building on Linking Landholders 1: collective rangelands management for land & vegetation outcomes project:

  • worked with landholders on threat mitigation activities, and protection of softwood scrub through installation of fencing and fire breaks
  • educated landholders on more sustainable practices
  • collaborated with local Traditional Owners and landholders to identify significant cultural sites
  • undertook data collection, benchmarking, and monitoring activities.

Queensland Regional Natural Resource Management Groups Collective

The Capturing, collating and communicating the achievements of NRRP project:

  • provided consistent, accurate and timely reporting using the State-wide Indicators Framework (SWIF) (PDF, 770KB) and communication of NRRP outcomes
  • enabled ongoing evidence-based adaptive management at both the delivery agent and whole-of-state levels
  • provided capacity building and technical support to project delivery staff of up to 20 project delivery entities in the use of the SWIF tools and systems.

Queensland Water and Land Carers

Managed by the peak body for natural resource management (NRM) volunteers, the Resilient Queenslanders strengthening soil, vegetation & landscape recovery project:

  • continued essential insurance coverage for volunteers within landcare and similar groups across Queensland that manage natural resources
  • increased membership to increase capacity in NRM volunteer groups
  • supported advocacy and networking to contribute to NRM capacity and outcomes
  • supported member groups to manage and build capacity.

Reef Catchments

The Protecting and improving the health of Mackay Whitsunday Isaac Wetlands project:

  • increased Traditional Owner engagement, ownership and participation in wetlands planning to form a joint action to protect and preserve wetland areas
  • reduced threats to wetland areas through pest management over 75,000 hectares of land to improve vegetation
  • improved grazing and cane management practice by installation of a treatment train and revegetation.

The Retaining and building organisational capacity within Reef Catchments Limited and stakeholders project:

  • focused on embedding the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB) into projects and programs to improve consistency and efficiency across the organisation
  • undertook training with key stakeholders to ensure NRM skills and knowledge are put into practice and maintained
  • collaborated with Traditional Owner organisations on delivery project activities to ensure their knowledge and skills are embedded into projects.

Southern Gulf NRM

The SGNRM coordinated land condition capacity building project supported and educate key stakeholders in the field of land condition and develop regional development projects that consider land condition improvement, land capability, and regional land systems information.

Southern Queensland Landscapes

The Regional coordination and evaluation for NRM decision making in southern Queensland project:

  • embedded data-informed collective goal setting and progress monitoring into natural resource management decision making
  • supported and educate land managers in the Traprock, Mitchell and Lower Warrego areas about new practices and traditional knowledge for land management.

The Creating flourishing landscapes to support healthy communities project:

  • worked with 52 land managers to deliver an estimated 46,000 hectares of improved land condition across 3 priority areas—Traprock, Mitchell and Lower Warrego
  • managed appropriate plant cover to avoid long periods of above average bare ground and increase the amount of water held in the landscape
  • incorporated First Nation involvement, knowledge and technical support
  • gave the best chance of mitigating droughts, flooding, fire, climate changes and other global shocks.

Terrain NRM

The Understanding Wet Tropics natural resource conditions through monitoring and evaluation project:

  • maintained support to monitor project achievements and demonstrate the long-term impact of work undertaken
  • maintained relevant tools such as the State-wide Indicators Framework (PDF, 770KB) to capture legacy project data.

Contact us

For more information about the program, or if you have further questions, email