Compulsory reporting and training contracts
When you sign a training contract with an apprentice or trainee, you are responsible for reporting certain situations. We refer to these situations as 'notifiable events'.
How to report a 'notifiable event'
Step 1: Notify your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (Provider), or us, in writing.
Step 2: Notify us within 14 days, depending on the incident.
Sale or dissolution of business
You must notify us when:
- you sell or dispose of your business
- you dissolve your business partnership
- you make changes to your business partnership.
Keeping on an apprentice or trainee after business is sold
If you sell your business and the buyer agrees to keep on your apprentice or trainee, they must let us know in writing.
Step 1: Notify your Provider using Form ATF-041, within 14 days after the sale of business or partial dissolution of the partnership.
Step 2: The change will affect the training plan, so the new owners will need to advise the supervising registered training organisation.
Not keeping on an apprentice or trainee after business is sold
If your business changes hands and the new owners don't want to keep on your apprentice or trainee, they must:
- report this to your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider or us, in writing
- report this before the business handover happens.
Training delays
Notify us if your apprentice or trainee:
- won't or can't finish their training requirements (as listed in their training plan)
- needs more time to complete their training.
School-based apprentice or trainee leaves school early
If your school-based apprentice or trainee leaves school early (before finishing Year 12), you will need to change their training contract to reflect a change of working hours from school-based to either part-time or full-time. Once the contract is changed, so will their rate of pay and working conditions.
When your school-based apprentice or trainee leaves before Year 12, you must notify us within 14 days.
Employment ends
Notify us if your apprentice or trainee no longer works for you – regardless of whether they were dismissed or left voluntarily.
Notify us within 14 days.
Application for unfair dismissal
Notify us if your apprentice or trainee has been dismissed and is applying for 'unfair dismissal' through the legal system.
Notify us within 14 days.
Application for reinstatement
Notify us if your apprentice or trainee is applying for 'reinstatement' (wanting to be re-instated to their original position before their training contract was cancelled) after lodging an appeal.
Notify us within 14 days.
- Last reviewed: 16 Aug 2022
- Last updated: 1 Jul 2024