Report a prescribed disease in mining

The majority of the provisions of the Resources Safety and Health Legislation Amendment Act 2024 commenced on 1 September 2024. Updated guidance material is being developed and will be published in the coming weeks.

The incident notification process will change, however, please continue notifying incidents through your current process for now. RSHQ will send through further information when it is available.

Visit our website for more information.

Coal mines reporting – As soon as practicable after receiving a report of a reportable disease, the site senior executive must give an inspector and an industry safety and health representative notice about the disease. Notice of the diagnosis must also be given to the Chief Inspector.

Mineral mines and quarries reporting – As soon as practicable after receiving a report of a reportable disease at a mine or as a result of operations, the site senior executive must give an inspector and a district workers' representative notice about the disease. Notice of the diagnosis must also be given to the Chief Inspector using the Chief Inspectors form (XLSX, 16KB).

Reporting prescribed diseases for coal mines

You must notify an inspector of mines and an industry safety and health representative as soon as practicable after receiving a report of a confirmed diagnosis of the following diseases:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to dust at the mine
  • coal workers' pneumoconiosis – when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to coal dust at the mine
  • legionellosis – when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to a causative agent for legionellosis at the mine
  • silicosis – when contracted by a current or former coal mine worker at a coal mine who was exposed to crystalline silica dust at the mine.

Reporting prescribed diseases for mineral mines and quarries

You must notify an inspector of mines and a district workers' representative as soon as practicable after receiving a report of one of the following diseases:

  • a disease (regardless of the seriousness of the disease) that test results indicate a worker may have contracted as a result of carrying out work for which lead health surveillance or biological monitoring under schedule 2E, part 4 is required
  • asbestosis
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • legionellosis
  • occupational asthma
  • occupational cancer
  • silicosis.

Reporting process

You can make an initial oral report, but this must confirmed in writing:

Coal mines

Sites can make an initial oral report, but this must be confirmed in writing by either:

  • using the 'Notice of confirmation' form (v. 10 or higher), which you may currently use to confirm verbal reports of high potential incidents or serious accidents.
  • sending an email containing the required information
    • the name and address of the mine or quarry
    • the name of the site senior executive for the mine or quarry
    • if the report is made on behalf of the site senior executive – the name, position and contact details of the person reporting the disease
    • the disease being reported (e.g. coal workers' pneumoconiosis).

Mineral mines and quarries

The site senior executive must give the chief inspector information about the worker who has been diagnosed with the reportable disease in the approved form (XLSX, 16KB). The completed approved form must be emailed to