Land management for banana farmers
Learn how to adopt farming practices that reduce soil, nutrient and pesticide run-off.
Protect reef catchments
- Use our property search tool to find out if your farming business is within the Reef catchment and subject to the Reef protection regulations.
- Read about best practice for producers in the reef catchment areas.
- Find out about grants and funding to support producers in the Reef catchments.
- Learn from other farmers trialling new farming practices.
- Watch case studies about innovative farming practices.
Improve soil health
- Managing soil erosion (PDF, 1MB)
- Nurturing the soil and neighbouring wetlands on a banana farm in the Wet Tropics (PDF, 600KB)
- Banana root and soil health user's manual outlines simple tests to measure soil health using an on-farm testing kit
- Erosion and sediment control guide (PDF, 2.8MB)
- Fertiliser placement guide (PDF, 1.2MB)
Reduce nutrient losses and sediment run-off
- The Best Practice Management Environmental Guideline provides specific banana industry content and best practices to reduce sediment and nutrient run-off
- Grassed inter-rows in bananas in the Wet Tropics region reduced the cost of fertiliser application and reduced sediment and water loss
- Monitoring nitrogen losses from bananas in the Wet Tropics region
- Installation of a sediment trap at Boolabah Farms (PDF, 4MB)
- Last reviewed: 14 Feb 2023
- Last updated: 20 Feb 2023