Closed grant programs

The following grants have now closed.

  • This program provided financial support to small businesses, in defined disaster areas that experienced significant disruptions and losses during the following peak Christmas and New Year trading periods, to re-establish operations and maintain employment:

    • Tropical Cyclone Jasper and associated flooding from 13 to 28 December 2023
    • South East Queensland storms and subsequent flooding from 24 December 2023 to 3 January 2024.

    Grant status

    Applications are no longer being accepted.

    Grant round

    Applications opened on 31 July 2024 and closed 13 December 2024.

    Key documents

    Read the application guidelines, terms and conditions and frequently asked questions (FAQs).

    Contact us

    For more information about the program, email

  • The Chamber Wellness Fund helped Queensland chambers of commerce to help build awareness of mental health services, and to upskill chambers and their members to support business owners.

    Successful chambers received grants of between $2,000 and $5,000 to develop and implement local mental health wellness initiatives tailored to the small business owners and operators in their area.

    The $150,000 fund was part of the Queensland Government's Small Business Support Network which aims to support the mental health and wellness of Queensland small businesses and promote and improve access to available support services.

    Stage 1

    Registration of interest (ROI) opened 9am, 14 December 2022 and closed 11.59pm, 14 February 2023.

    Stage 2

    Full application opened 9am, 28 February 2023 and closed 11.59pm, 24 March 2023.

    Successful applicants

    The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) advised applicants of the outcome of their applications on 28 April 2023. View the list of successful applicants and their project names.

  • This program supported Queensland businesses impacted by the August 2021 COVID-19 lockdowns in Queensland.

    Grant status

    Applications are no longer being accepted for employing businesses, not-for-profit organisations and non-employing sole traders.

    Employing businesses and not-for-profit organisations can track the status of existing submitted applications by visiting the QRIDA portal.

    Non-employing sole traders

    Applications for non-employing sole traders closed on 30 November 2021.

    Key documents

    Read the administrative direction that established the basis for the non-employing sole trader grant (PDF, 90KB).

    Employing businesses or not-for-profit organisations

    Applications for employing businesses and not-for-profit organisations closed on 16 November 2021.

    Key documents

    Read the frequently asked questions, guidelines and supplementary guidelines (for the border business zone) for more information.

  • The program supported small businesses highly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) shutdown restrictions to adapt and sustain their operations, and build resilience.

    Round 1

    Applications closed on 23 May 2020.

    Key documents

    Read the application guidelines and terms and conditions.

    Round 2

    Applications for South-East Queensland closed on 14 July 2020. Applications for Regional Queensland closed on 6 August 2021.

    Key documents

    Read the application guidelines and terms and conditions.

    Contact us

    For more information about this grant, visit the QRIDA portal or phone 1800 623 946.

  • The Small Business Disaster Recovery Grants provided assistance to small businesses severely impacted by the North and Far North Queensland monsoonal trough to engage high-level expertise to help them recover and rebuild business confidence.

    Grant status

    Applications are no longer being accepted.

    Grant round

    Applications opened 10 June 2019 and closed on 10 June 2021.

    Key documents

    Read the application guidelines and terms and conditions.

    Contact us

    For more information about the program, email

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