Dust monitoring data – coal mines

From 1 January 2017, amendments to the Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 require all Queensland coal mines to provide quarterly respirable dust data to the Resources, Safety and Health Queensland's (RSHQ) Chief Inspector of Coal Mines.

The graphs below represent respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica data for 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Since 1 January 2021, all data has been compared against the revised regulatory limits of 1.5 mg/m3 (RD) and 0.05 mg/m3 (RCS).

The datasets are presented for similar exposure groups (SEGs). These identify groups of workers who have the same general exposure to risk, for example, because they perform similar tasks or use the same types of materials or processes.

While public disclosure of respirable dust data for specific mines is restricted under coal mining health and safety legislation, Queensland coal mines are required to display dust data at their mine sites in a location easily viewable by the mine's workers.

Information that could identify individual mine sites has been omitted from the graphs below and a random number assigned to each mine.

Respirable dust

Respirable dust is very fine dust which is able to reach the lower regions of the lung. It is generally 10 microns or less in diameter.

The results of the monitoring program for 2 of the higher risk SEGs from underground and surface operations are shown below. The graphs show the average exposure of the SEG to respirable dust over the previous quarters/years. Each vertical bar represents a different mine site.

The respirable dust graphs below show a line for the occupational exposure limit (OEL) at 1.5 mg/m3, as well as a common shift adjusted OEL of 1.4 mg/m3 for miners working more than 40 hours per week.

Note: Some datasets may contain less than the statistically significant 6 samples and are therefore provided as a guide only to ensure a full data set is represented.

Underground sites

Longwall production (QCU001) SEG

Respirable dust levels in underground coal mines for the longwall workers SEG

Development production (QCU002) SEG

Respirable dust levels in underground coal mines for the development workers SEG

Surface sites

Blast crew (QCS007) SEG

Respirable dust levels in surface coal mines for the blast crew workers SEG

Blast hole drillers (QCS010) SEG

Respirable dust levels in surface coal mines for the blast hole drillers workers SEG

Total exceedances for respirable dust

The following graphs show the number of times that the OEL or the shift-adjusted OEL was exceeded across all sites (underground and surface operations) and the percentage of exceedances per mine.

Total number of exceedances


Total number of exceedances of respirable dust OELs in coal mines

Total percentage of exceedances

Percentage of exceedances of respirable dust OELs in coal mines

Respirable crystalline silica (quartz)

The results of the monitoring program for 2 of the higher risk SEGs from underground and surface operations are shown below. The graphs show the average exposure of the SEG to respirable crystalline silica (quartz) over the previous quarters/years. Each vertical bar represents a different mine site.

The RCS graphs below show the OEL at 0.05mg/m3, as well as a shift-adjusted OEL of 0.047mg/m3 for miners who work more than 40 hours per week on average.

Underground sites

Longwall production (QCU001) SEG

Respirable crystalline silica levels in underground coal mines for the longwall workers SEG

Development production (QCU002) SEG

Respirable crystalline silica levels in underground coal mines for the development workers SEG

Surface sites

Blast crew (QCS007) SEG

Respirable crystalline silica levels in surface coal mines for the blast crew workers SEG

Blast hole drillers (QCS010) SEG

Respirable crystalline silica levels in surface coal mines for the blast hole drillers workers SEG

Total exceedances for respirable crystalline silica (quartz)

The following graphs show the number of times that the OEL or the shift-adjusted OEL was exceeded across all sites (underground and surface operations) and the percentage of exceedances per mine.

Total number of exceedances

Total number of exceedances of OEL for respirable crystalline silica

Total percentage of exceedances

Percentage of exceedances of OEL for respirable crystalline silica