Background of the Queensland Development Code

The Queensland Development Code (QDC) consolidates Queensland-specific building standards into a single document.

The QDC covers Queensland matters that are outside the scope of, and in addition to, the National Construction Code (e.g. requirements for private health facilities).

National Construction Code

The National Construction Code (NCC) provides a nationally uniform set of technical building standards. It also contains additional provisions specific to Queensland. If there is an inconsistency between the NCC and the QDC, the QDC prevails.

Design and siting standards for detached housing

MP 1.1 and MP 1.2 of the QDC contain the siting standards for single detached dwellings and associated Class 10 buildings and structures.

These are default standards that must be applied unless a local government's planning scheme contains alternative standards. In this case, alternative standards would apply instead of the QDC requirements.

Advisory standards

As well as mandatory standards, the QDC contains model standards that local governments may adopt into their planning schemes and modify to suit local circumstances.

Referral requirements

The Planning Regulation 2017 specifies whether:

  • building certifiers can assess applications against the performance criteria
  • only council or the nominated referral agency can determine alternative solutions.

For example, for the private health facilities standard, the Chief Health Officer is nominated as the applicable referral agency under the Health Act 1937.

Additional requirements

Compliance with a standard may not be the only requirement. Additional requirements may be imposed by:

  • state Acts
  • the Building Code of Australia
  • Development Assessment Rules
  • council planning schemes
  • local laws.

Designers, builders and owners should satisfy themselves that they would achieve compliance with all legislative requirements.